Usos Del Punto Y Coma En Ingles

Páginas: 8 (1826 palabras) Publicado: 3 de marzo de 2013
Punto y coma
El punto y coma obtiene su nombre por alguien que lo llamo así, generalmente tenemos 7 funciones que puede cumplir esta puntuación
1) Un punto y coma puede ser utilizado para conectar cláusulas independientes cuando no hay relación entre ellos; hay tres aspectos a seguir para a utilización de este según el tipo de conexión
* Son relativamente cortos. Por ejemplo:
Juanquería estudiar; yo no.
Busco casa; Juan puede ayudarme.
* Hay una estructura paralela.
La señora Ines es una gran lectora; Ella ha leído una gran cantidad de novelas clásicas.
Siempre había querido tener una moto de color rojo; efectivamente, hoy me la he comprado
* No podrían considerarse por separado
Esta noche reunida con mi padre le he dado un gran abrazo y un beso en la frente;No podía creerlo cuando lo vi sonreír.

12. Semicolon
Even the name of this thing is trouble. It should be called a supercomma or a semiperiod because its practical effect is to bring things to a near stop. But someone named it semicolon, and the name stuck, and there’s not much we can do about it. In workplace writing, this misunderstoodmark may be used in five ways. I say “may be used” and not “is used” or “should be used” because you often sacrifice clarity when you drop a semicolon into a sentence.
12.1 A semicolon may be used to connect independent clauses when there is no conjunction between them.
Generally speaking, the semicolon works best when the independentclauses are (1) relatively short, (2) parallel in structure, and(3) do not deserve the status of separate sentences. That last issue is yours to decide.
CXD employs 90,000 people; AFR employs 146,000.
Meriwether invented the device; Slovo received the patent.
Fannie Mae stock lost 8 percent last year; Freddie Mac stock gained 6 percent.

Be aware of the limited usefulness of this construction.
Here the semicolon has exactly the same meaning as “,and.” The examples above are correct, but they do not tell the reader anything about how the thoughts relate. Don’t settle for being correct. If you mean Meriwether invented the device, but Slovo received the patent, then say that. If you mean Even though Fannie Mae stock lost 8 percent last year, Freddie Mac stock gained 6 percent, then say that. Make your meaning plain with words.

12.2 Asemicolon may be used to connect two independent clauses when the second independent clause is introduced by a transitional phrase.
Note that a comma always follows the transitional word or phrase.
The new procedure will save time and money; more to the point, it will increase safety.
A new CEO will be hired next year; in the interim, Smith will serve as chief executive.
The chain of custody wastainted; as a result, the judge threw out the evidence.

12.3 A semicolon may be used to connect two independent clauses when the second independent clause is introduced by what English teachers call a “conjunctive adverb.”
Among the most commonly used conjunctive adverbs are accordingly, consequently, furthermore, hence, however, indeed, moreover, nevertheless, nonetheless, otherwise, still,therefore, and thus. Please note that a comma always follows these words when you use them as conjunctions.
We cannot publish your novel at this time; nevertheless, we encourage you to keep writing.
The method must be repeatable; otherwise, the results will be considered invalid.
Our competitors are gaining market share; furthermore, they are expanding overseas.

12.4 Use a semicolon when youare listing ideas that are (1) closely related and (2) slightly complex.
In the two examples below (taken from a hypothetical newspaper),none of the items in the lists requires any internal punctuation, so commas could logically separate them. The writers, with good judgment, use semicolons instead. 27
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