
Páginas: 3 (655 palabras) Publicado: 28 de noviembre de 2012
| Sistema Virtual de Formación a Distancia Nº 9002 Año 2012Ciclo: Trayecto 1 Espacio Curricular: Lengua Extranjera Docente Tutor: Magdalena Fleming.

CLASE 7.TAREA OBLIGATORIA. * 1) a) Cambia elAdjetivo Posesivo al Pronombre Posesivo" (ejemplo: my ---> mine)1) This is my car. This car is .......MINE............ 2) That is her house. That house is ....... YOURS 3) These are his bags.These bags are . YOURS......... b) Completa las siguientes oraciones con el pronombre personal correcto (ejemplo: The children are going to the movie theater = They are going to the movie theater) 1) Thepeople are dancing. = THEY .are dancing.2) My father and I love this team. = this team. 3) The car is red. = red.c) Escribe estas oraciones reemplazando los Nombres Propiospor los correspondientes. (he, she, it, they ó we) ej. Maria is my mother. She is my mother. 1. Mario is my uncle. ....HE IS MY UNCLE.................. 2. Luisa and Sam are my parents. ....THEY AREMY PARENTS...................... 3. Susan is my grandmother. ...SHE IS MY GRANDMOTHER........................... * 2) a) Completa las oraciones usando la forma correcta del verbo "to be": l. She...IS...... my aunt. 2. You.....ARE...from Salta. 3. Martìn and Jhon ..... ARE.. my uncles. b) Mirando la actividad 2a, pasa las oraciones al negativo. 1. She isn`t my aunt. 2. YOU AREN’T FROMSALTA................. 3...MARTIN AND JHON AREN’T MY UNCLES...................... c) Completa las siguientes oraciones subrayando la forma correcta del Verbo ser/estar. Recordemos que las formas afirmativas sonam/ is/ are. Ej: She are/ am/ is Lauren. 1) He am/ are/ is Su. 2) They is/ am/ are Martìn and Joe. 3) You are/ is/ am Marcelo. d) Elije la forma correcta del verbo to be y responde las preguntas.Ej1: Am/ Is/ Are you John? (Peter). No, I’m not. I’ m Peter Ej2: Is/ Are/ Am she your sister? (sister) Yes, she is. 1. Are they Steven and Jessica? (Steven and Jessica) yes, they are2. Is she Susan...
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