Verbos regulares e irregulares

Páginas: 6 (1452 palabras) Publicado: 24 de junio de 2011
Verbos regulares
Responder | To answer | answered |
Preguntar | To ask | asked |
Aprobar | To approve | approved |
Pertenecer | To belong | belonged |
Cepillar | To brush | brushed |
Limpiar | To clean | cleaned |
Trepar | To climb | climbed |
Cocinar | To cook | cooked |
Bailar | To dance | danced |
Descubrir | Todiscover | discovered |
Entregar | To deliver | delivered |
Disfrutar | To enjoy | enjoyed |
Explicar | To explain | explained |
Acabar | To finish | finished |
Pescar | To fish | fished |
Ocurrir | To happen | happened |
Besar | To kiss | kissed |
Gustar | To like | liked |
Vivir | To live | lived |
Necesitar | To need | needed |
Abrir | To open | opened |
Pintar | To paint| painted |
Castigar | To punish | punished |
Recordar | To remember | remembered |
Mostrar | To show | showed |
Sonreir | To smile | smiled |
Iniciar | To start | started |
Estudiar | To study | studied |
Visitar | To visit | visited |
Esperar | To wait | Waited |
Permitir | To allow | allowed |
aceptar | To accept |accepted |
Creer | To believe | believed |
Cambiar | To change | changed |
Cruzar | To cross | crossed |
Llorar | To cry | cried |
Causar | To cause | caused |
Cerrar | To close | closed |
Peinar | To comb | combed |
Derrotar | To defeat | defeated |
Morir | To die | died |
Decidir | To decide | decided |
Dañar | To damage | damaged |
Destruir | To destroy | destroyed |Emplear | To employ | employed |
Seguir | To follow | followed |
Ayudar | To help | helped |
Cazar | To hunt | hunted |
Unir/Juntar | To join | joined |
Bromear | To joke | joked |
Golpear | To knock | knocked |
Escuchar | To listen | listened |
Casar | To marry | married |
Mezclar | To mix | mixed |
Mover | To move | moved |
Asesinar | To murder | murdered |
Obtener | Toobtain | obtained |
Ofrecer | To offer | offered |
Imprimir | To print | printed |
Producir | To produce | produced |
Empujar | To push | pushed |
Rescatar | To rescue | rescued |
Fumar | To smoke | smoked |
Detener | To stop | stopped |
Tragar | To swallow | Swallowed |
Aconsejar | To advise | advised |
Disculparse | Toapologize | apologized |
Abandonar | To abandon | abandoned |
Adquirir | To acquire | acquired |
Molestar/enojar | To annoy | annoyed |
Apreciar | To appreciate | appreciated |
Autorizar | To authorize | authorized |
Pertenecer | To belong | belonged |
Hervir | To boil | boiled |
Respirar | To breath | breathed |
Llamar | To call | called |
Cargar | To charge | charged |Masticar | To chew | chewed |
Engañar | To deceive | deceived |
Disturbar | To disturb | disturbed |
Acabar | To end | ended |
Entrar/ingresar | To enter | entered |
Envolver/cubrir | To envelope | enveloped |
Expender | To expend | expended |
Llenar | To fill | filled |
Alquilar | To hire | hired |
Mejorar | To improve | improved |
Asegurar | To insure | insured |
Saltar | Tojump | jumped |
Reir | To laugh | laughed |
Mentir | To lie | lied |
Amar | To love | loved |
Nombrar | To name | named |
Simular/pretender | To pretend | pretended |
Remover | To remove | removed |
Patinar | To skate | skated |
Enjabonar | To soap | soaped |
Traducir | To translate | translated |
Verificar | To verify | verified |
Susurrar | To whisper | whispered |
Añadir/Sumar | To add | added |
Entretener | To amuse | amused |
Arribar | To arrive | arrived |
Acusar | To accuse | accused |
Acercarse | To approach | approached |
Discutir | To argue | argued |
Bañar/Lavar | To bathe | bathed |
Enterrar | To bury | buried |
Toser | To cough | coughed |
Fracasar/Romper | To crash | crashed...
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Conviértase en miembro formal de Buenas Tareas