Vocabulario nahuatl

Páginas: 14 (3437 palabras) Publicado: 22 de marzo de 2012
Vocabulario Nahuatl
Español | Inglés | Nahuatl |
ordenar | ordenar | ordenar |
a la orilla de él | on the edge of it | itenco |
a veces | sometimes; at times | quemanian |
a veces | at times, some times | quimaca |
año | year | xihuitl |
acabaron | they finished | yecohqueh (otla-) |
acostumbraban | they were accustomed | matia (mo-) |
además, también |besides, also | no iuhqui |
adentro | inside | tlahtec |
adentro de él | inside it | ihtic |
adultos | adults | huehhueyi |
agua | water | atl |
agua | water | atzintli |
agua sucia | dirty water | atzoatl |
aguacate | avocado | ahuakakuahuitl |
agujerito | little hole | itlatlacoyocton |
ahí | there, over there | ompa |
ahora, hoy | now | axan |ahorita | right now | oritah |
aires | winds | yeyecame |
al día siguiente | on the following day | imoztlatica |
al mediodía | at midday | tlahcotonalpan |
al sur | to the south | ihuitztlampa |
algo | something | itla |
alguien | someone | aca |
alguna parte, algún lugar | whereever, any place | canah |
algunos | someone, some people | acame |
algunos |some, a few | cequi |
allá | there, over there | ompa |
allí | there | ne |
anafre | plate | comal |
andan sonando | they go along ringing | tlatzitzilitztinemi |
animal | animal | yolcatl |
animales | animals | yolcameh |
animales | animals | yolcatzitzin |
animalito | animal | yoyolcatzin |
anteriormente | before | achtotipa |
antes | first;before | achto |
antigua cultura mexicana | ancient Mexican culture | huehuemexihcayutl |
antiguo | old, ancient | huehue |
aparecía | it appeared | necia (o-) |
aprende [mandato] | learn | zalo (xitla-) |
aquellos que, los que | those who | ahquihuan |
aquí | here | nian |
aquí | here | nican |
árbol de ciprés | cypress tree | tlatzcacuahuitl |
árbol dezapote | zapote tree | tzapocuahuitl |
árbol, madera, leña | tree, trunk, wood, stick | cuahuitl |
árboles | trees | cuahmeh |
arbolito | little tree | cuacuauhton |
arriba | ahead | tiahui |
asfalto, petróleo | asphalt, oil | chapopote |
así | thus | ihqui |
así, de esa manera | thus, that way | ihcon |
atole | atole | atolli |
atrás de él | behind it| icuitlapan |
aunque | although | yece |
autobús | bus | calmimilolli |
ayudaban | they helped | tlapalehuiaya |
azadón | hoe | tlaltepoztli |
barranca, cañada | ravine | tlacomol |
bebecito | baby | coneatzintli |
bebida alcohólica | alcoholic drink | techichic |
bella, bonita | beautiful, pretty | cualtzin |
bonita | pretty | cualtzin |
bonito |pretty | cualtzin |
borregos | sheep | metoton |
borregueros | shepherds | memepixque |
bosque | forest, woods | cuahtlal |
botes | buckets | tepozcaxtin |
bueno | good | cualli |
buey | ox | cuacuahueh |
caña | sugarcane | ohuatl |
caballo | horse | cahuayoh |
caballos | horses | cahuatin |
caben | they fit | aqui (on-) |
cacahuate | peanut| tlalcacahuatl |
cacomizcles | cacomiztles | chignahtin |
cada | each | cehcen |
caerá | it will fall | huetziz |
caliente | hot | totonqui |
calle | street | ohtli |
calles, caminos | streets, roads | oohtin |
caminaban de espaldas | they walked backwards | tzinnennemoaya (o-) |
caminará | she will walk | nennemiz |
camino | road | ohtli |
camote| sweet potato | camohtli |
campana | bell | tlatzitzilitztepuztli |
campesino | fieldworker | miltequitqui |
carbón | charcoal | tecoli |
carne | meat | nacatl |
casa | house, home | cali |
cebolla | onion | xonacatl |
cementerio | cemetary | tetocoyan |
cerca de él | near it | inahuac |
cerdos, puercos | pigs | lechonmeh |
cerro | hill |...
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