
Páginas: 2 (294 palabras) Publicado: 2 de diciembre de 2012
Old-fogey: a person that tell stories about his past
Chock a block: Squeezed together; jammed
Big: enormous, giant tall, huge, large, massive, macroscopic
Small: tiny, little, short,petite, microscopic, dwarf, wee
Proportion: symmetry, ratio
Perfect: flawless
Improvement: enhancement
Triumph: success
Stars: celebrities
Big advertisements: billboards
I couldn’t sleep awink: no pude pegar ojo
Staff: people working together
Stuff: things
Siblings: brother and sister
To dust: limpiar el polvo
Chorus: fragment of a song
Choir: coro
Quite, rather : bastante
Hewasn’t the: Brightest crayon in the book/sharpest knife in the drawer
Rude: A person that is not polite
Mean: A person that is not generous, close fistic
Bench: Banco (de sentarse)
School of fishes:banco de peces
Gather: get together
Abroad: fuera del país
Lasts: dura
Joy: happiness

Reading web and email
: colon
/ slash
. dot
_ down score
- hyphen
@ at

Dive: bucear
A red herring:engaño
To afford: asequible
Landmark: sitio de interés
To despise: you ignore, mistreat something
Hub: hervidero
Lo and behold: pasen y vean
Grounded: punishment
Selfbridges: shopping centreFolks: people
The bill: the check/cheque
Jab: inyección
Vitrocerámica: ceramic hob
Tip: punta, consejo, propina
To look down on somebody: mirar por encima del hombroVerb | Adjective |
To sleep | Fall/be asleep |
To wake | Stay/be awake |

Vocabulario de adjetivos
Chubby: rechoncho
Broad-shouldered: ancho de espaldas
Heavily built: corpulento
Wavy: ondulado
Neat: limpio
Untidy: desordenado
With plaits: con trenzas
In a bun: en un moño
A fringe: una franja
Swept back: hacia atrás
High forehead: frente alta
A pointed chin:barbilla puntiaguda
Bushy eyelashes: pestañas espesas
Tanned: bronceado
Freckles: pecas
Dimples: hoyuelos
Elderly: viejo
Moody: de humor cambiante
Scruffy: desaliñado
Sideburns: patillas...
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Conviértase en miembro formal de Buenas Tareas