Voodoo Island

Páginas: 5 (1050 palabras) Publicado: 25 de septiembre de 2012


Members: Daniela Inostroza
Catalina Valenzuela

Grade: segundo medio E

Usually when we prepare our food in the flesh, maybe that's what we need more affordable, even walking down the street where we were bombarded with leaflets and posters or simply habit. Without going further consider a day of our week in which we have not eaten any food thatcontained meat, sometimes we fail dimension which is the level of meat we eat and we have never considered the advantages and disadvantages of a day without the renowned food. Easily the answer to the above mentioned serious reflection "not remember" as easily included in daily meals when we have no time to think about something else but we only take 10 extra minutes in the morning, minutes reallydo not want to sacrifice our hectic lives.
But we have spent those minutes thinking about recipes and honestly did not have much difficulty, support the idea of ​​stop eating meat once a week and they save a series of products such as water (for livestock). Impressively in one pound of beef is up to 2500 liters of water, and reduce your carbon footprint and dependence on fuels fociles as meatindustries generate nearly one fifth of the exhaust gases to the atmosphere that contribute to global emissions. But we talk literally once or more times a week without stop eating meat altogether because unfortunately we live in a world inexorable capitalized interest for the money that makes us compare the process of the meat with the palm for get your honey because if this is exposed to that die,so to preserve the company's production plant palms again and continue the cycle, which we think hiso that if they did not have the economic interest in the These palms and opened late because nobody would have cared for them, what could have happened to the cows, chickens and pigs.
People often speak of mistreatment of animals from butchers and general common people, indeed, in social networksand various Internet sites video circulating against such "practices" which obviously repudiate. However we conclude that in most of these videos are shown isolated cases of people which we would describe as "sick" because their activities are really inhuman. Within this as common reasons for becoming vegetarian or vegan are "do not earn their living by killing" or "not what you do not aghas wouldhave them do," we are not reaping the idea that to eat meat or carcasses animals are faithful companions and important in life on the planet but the order in the string is: man, animals, plants, etc.. Or is it that do the plants are living things? The animals follow this chain because they also feed on plants, animals eat each other, we eat animals, plants and roots, this is biologically correct.Clearly one could say that humans are the only animal who reasons and not the other species but all living beings have the right to food and thus follow the logical order of the chain.
If we analyze our jaw shows no noticeable signs of belonging to a carnivore, but the eating habits of human beings have evolved faster because the physical change is much slower as in the case of the little fingeris the least-used ( This is affirmed by his disappearance) this can be checked by our fingernails for if these are cut the same way the passage of a week we will see that the nail of the little finger is the longest since it has the same rose objects with one more example is the appendix which over the centuries has decreased in size to the point of being a "nuisance" in our body.
With respect tothe conversion to be vegetarian (no red meat consumed or white) or vegan (eat no red meat or white and no products from animals such as eggs, dairy, etc.). Usually this type of lifestyles do not are recommended for children under 18 years (development stage) for adopting a vegan diet can be acquired more easily cadences of calcium, protein and vitamins (eg B12, vitamin difficult to obtain for...
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