Weird Rites India

Páginas: 2 (460 palabras) Publicado: 11 de noviembre de 2012
• In India it is unusual for couples to kiss or hug in public is considered offensive. But It is considered quite natural to see two men holding hands strolling. This does not mean they are gay, butit is a way of expressing friendship.
• If we talk of marriage, you'll be pleased to know that even in this country, marital unions, and most especially in the rural areas are still arranged byfamilies of the same couple. For Hindu custom, love goes into the background because love is learned during cohabitation.
• Among other curiosities of the Indian weddings we mention that still exist, butless happily, marriages between minors.
• It is better never talk to a woman walking alone or is stopped in the street. In fact, it is frowned upon to give any close physical contact with them, evenif it is a western woman.
• Indians resent that people put in the position called the "jugs", hands on hips. They quickly interpreted as a kind of defiance and arrogance on the part of people who doit.
• Also, they don’t like to hear whistling in any place or situation, even more when you're alone, when you're unknown and you are standing in front of them.
• Ears are very expressive in India,because if you hold on to them it means that you want to express sincerity. Ears are sacred. However, the opposite is when you grab someone else's ears, it’s seen as a serious offense.
• One of theweirdest rites in this country is the one where pull babies from the second floor. In this event, the parents take their babies to be dropped from a tower 15 meters high. It is held annually since 700years in the states of Karnataka and Maharashtra in India. This is the tower of good luck and parents believe that this will bring good health to their children.
• The Lepcha of India encourage sexbetween preteens and adults. Other people of India (the Muria) have schools where boys and girls share all activities, including sex.
• The Kamasutra is really about the art of living, about...
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