Windows server hiper-v

Páginas: 23 (5730 palabras) Publicado: 9 de septiembre de 2012

Windows Server 2008 Hyper-V Product Overview – An Early look

Microsoft Corporation

Published: December 2007

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Table of Contents
Introduction 5
Hyper-V Overview 6
Flexible Virtualization Capabilities 6
Robust Virtualization Platform 7
Enhanced Security 7
Hyper-V as Part of Microsoft’s Datacenter-to-desktop Virtualization Strategy 8
Server Virtualization 8
Presentation Virtualization 9
DesktopVirtualization 9
Application Virtualization 9
Comprehensive Management in a Familiar Environment 9
Addressing Key Business Needs 10
Server Consolidation 10
Cost Savings 10
Optimizing Infrastructure 11
Flexibility 11
Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery 11
Testing and Development 12
Extensive Guest Operating System Support 13
Virtual Machine Libraries andSelf-service Portals 13
Checkpoints in Testing and Development 13
Moving Toward the Dynamic Datacenter 13
Automated Virtual Machine Reconfiguration 14
Flexible Resource Control 14
Quick Migration 15
Utilization Counters 15
Branch Office Management 15
Server Consolidation in the Branch Office 15
Business Continuity/Disaster Recovery in the Branch Office 15Development and Testing for the Branch Office 16
Improving Agility in the Branch Office 16
Summary 16


Today’s datacenter is a complex ecosystem with different kinds of servers, operating systems, and applications interacting with a wide variety of desktop computers and mobile client computers. For IT departments, managing and supporting this assortment of mission-critical...
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