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Páginas: 35 (8729 palabras) Publicado: 4 de noviembre de 2010

Lesson 7: Business Blocks
Introduction to lesson 7 Lesson Objectives
Business Blocks contain all information about groups in Opera. A business block will generally be created for any contract or proposal sent to a client. All information will be entered here and will be the main screen of reference for all areas of the hotel. At the completion of this lesson, you shouldbe able to: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Create and modify a business block. Understand and use all areas of the business block. Block and enter rates for groups. Print relevant reports Change and cancel bookings. Search for availability for a single date or multiple dates. View all groups in house for a specific time and find target rates.

Table of Contents

7.1 Block Search 7.2 Block Header 7.3 RoomGrid SkillBuilder 7.4 Deposit Skill Builder 7.5 Notes and Traces 7.6 Block Options SkillBuilder 7.7 Block Reservations 7.8 New/Edit Reservations 7.9 Rooming List 7.10 Reservation Options 7.11 Group Options 7.12 Quick Business Block 7.13 Inquiry 7.14 Standard Groups Review



Block Search 7.1

The Business Block Search screen providesa wide variety of fields to locate a business block. Use the following steps to access the Block Search screen. 1. Select Reservations. 2. Select Blocks. 3. Select Business Blocks. You will now see the Business Block search screen. Here is a brief description of the fields on the main Business Block search screen. In the upper portion of the screen are a number of fields that can be used to searchfor an existing block. o Start Date The arrival date entered on the block header. o Name The name of the group as entered in the name field on the block header. o Acct/Comp The name on the Account or Company profile attached to the Block Header. o Contact The name on the Contact profile attached to the Block Header. o Agent The name on the Travel Agent profile attached to the Block Header. oSource The name on the Source profile attached to the Block Header. o Block Code The assigned Block Code on the Block Header. Depending on hotel configuration, the Block Code might default based on a preset template, or it may be entered manually when creating a block header. o Alias The name of the group as it will be listed on BEO’s and posted on meeting rooms. o Group The name on the Group profileattached to the Block Header.

o Status The Status code indicates the current booking status of the group. The status code determines whether the allotted rooms are deducted from total hotel availability as well as whether or not reservations can be made on the group. o Stay Date The Stay Date field will locate every group in house on a particular date, regardless ofarrival or departure date. o Created On The date the Block Header was created. o Created By The user who created the Block Header. All current and future business blocks are displayed at the bottom of the screen. In the gray area in the center of the screen all profiles attached to the highlighted block header are displayed. Information about the group, such as arrival date, average rate and number ofrooms are displayed in the bottom of the screen.

The buttons on the right side of the screen hold more information about the block. Below is a brief explanation of each button. o Search Once the search information is entered in the search fields, using this button will activate the search. o New Use of this button will open a new Business Block screen for entry of new group information.o Display This button will display the Block Header for the highlighted group. o Copy Allows the user to copy the highlighted Block Header. o Shift Date Will move the entire block to arrive on a different date. It is only possible to use this option if there have been no reservations made for this group as yet. o Room Grid This button will display the allotted room grid for the highlighted...
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