

Canto 9 - 12

Canto 9

Achaean soldiers sit killed in his camp. Ahead, Agamemnon declares war cries and failure. Intends to return to Greece. Diomede rises and insists that will stay and fight even as he stays alone. He reminds everyone that Troy is destined to fall. Nestor urges perseverance and suggests a reconciliation with Achilles. Seeing the wisdom of this idea, Achilles Agamemnon decides to offer a number of gifts provided to return to the front lines Achaeans. The king appoints several of his best men to communicate the proposal to Achilles.

            The emissaries come to the Tent of Achilles, who is playing the lyre, is also accompanied by his friend Patroclus. Odysseus presents Agamemnon's offer, but Achilles refuses. He says that he intends to return to his homeland Phthia, where you can live a long and quiet. Achilles says it will be Phoenix, but Phoenix takes a long and emotional plea to stay. The emissaries returned without success and the army moves deeper into despair.


Analysis singing 9

For the Greeks the oratory was a skill that was on par with fighting ability. It is no coincidence that Agamemnon sends Odysseus from his emissaries, who is renowned for his ability to speak. The speech...

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