
Páginas: 16 (3821 palabras) Publicado: 2 de agosto de 2010
Revista Alergia México 2009;56(6):213-8

Trial The family system and the allergic child. Notes on the role of symptoms in family functioning
Alain R Rodríguez-Orozco,* Judith López-Peñaloza,** Esther Gabriela Kanán-Cedeño,** Susana Villalón-Santillán,** Pedro Caballero-Díaz,** Martha María Medellín-Fontes,** Blanca Edith Pintor-Sánchez** RESUMEN
Este artículo comenta el papel del niño conalguna enfermedad crónica, particularmente alérgica, dentro de su sistema familiar respecto al control o cronicidad de la misma (recalca la función del o los síntomas). El abordaje se realiza desde una perspectiva sistémica, donde la visión del individuo aislado pierde preponderancia y el fenómeno se estudia en su contexto relacional. Cuando la familia no tiene los recursos necesarios para enfrentaruna crisis de manera efectiva, debe explorarse cómo influye el funcionamiento familiar en la aparición o desaparición de situaciones de riesgo personal y familiar. El síntoma es la expresión de alguna disfunción general en la organización familiar y representa activamente el más potente refuerzo de la rígida homeostasia familiar. La interpretación y tratamiento de los síntomas alérgicos dependen,en gran medida, de la forma en que la familia interprete y entienda su recurrencia. Debe estudiarse el impacto de la familia en la cronicidad de la enfermedad alérgica de su niño, las exacerbaciones y repercusiones en el grado de control del padecimiento. En casos de difícil control de la enfermedad y cuando las medidas de control ambiental, la inmunoterapia y el tratamiento farmacológico noofrecen las ventajas esperadas, debe estudiarse a la familia y brindar apoyo psicoterapéutico con personal capacitado. Palabras clave: familia, alergia, significado del síntoma, sistema familiar, niño con alergia, perspectiva sistémica.

This paper reports the role of children with some chronic disease, particularly allergic, into his/her familial system about the control of the disease(emphasizing the role of symptoms). Approach is done since a systemic perspective, where vision of isolated individual losses preponderance and the phenomenon is studied in its relational context. When family does not have the necessary resources to effectively confront a crisis, how familial functioning influences the appearing or disappearing of situations of personal and familiar risk should beexplored. The symptom is the expression of some general dysfunction in familial organization and actively represents the most powerful reinforcement of the rigid familial homeostasia. Interpretation and treatment of allergic symptoms depend greatly on the form family interprets and understands its recurrence. Impact of family on chronicity of its child’s allergic diseases, exacerbations andrepercussions in the degree of illness’ control should be studied. In cases of difficult control of the disease and when environmental control measurements, immunotherapy and pharmacological treatment do not offer the expected advantages, the family should be studied and psycotherapeutic support with trained personnel must be given. Key words: family, allergy, symptom’s significance, familiar system, childwith allergy, systemic perspective.

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he alarming increase of allergic diseases frequency in the pediatric population represents a health issue. According to the results of several surveys conducted on children and teenagers

in order to study the prevalence of allergic diseases in the region,1-3 in the state of Michoacan, the high prevalence rate of allergies in children is added thefact that a large percentage of them (33% to 80%) are not being diagnosed
esquina Salvador González Herrejón s/n, Bosque Cuauhtemoc, colonia Centro, CP 58000, Morelia, Michoacan, Mexico. E-mail: Received: August, 2009. Accepted: October, 2009. This article must be quoted: Rodríguez-Orozco AR, López-Peñaloza J, Kanán-Cedeño EG, Villalón-Santillán S, et al. The family system...
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