Análisis De Las Obras De H.G. Wells

Páginas: 10 (2267 palabras) Publicado: 30 de mayo de 2012
H.G. Wells - Prophet of The NWO

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by Fritz Springmeier
April 30, 2011 from HenryMakow Website

Wells "psychologically conditioned the public to accept the stages of the New World Order as if they were self-evident."

Is there any proof that events in the world are following a script? The question has intrigued me because many people with inside knowledge have told me ofattending meetings where the script of the future was outlined, 200-yr. plans, 40-year plans, 20, 10, and 5-year


H.G. Wells - Prophet of The NWO

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plans. The futuristic predictions of Herbert George "H.G." Wells (a socialist Masonic Prophet) prove that indeed much more is contrived than the manin the street could imagine. Written in 1913, Well's The World Set Free predicted the use of atom bombs and the effect of nuclear war long before scientists considered the possibility. It also predicted the breakthrough in 1933, when the details of nuclear chain reaction were discovered. In other books, Wells said a NWO would come about by the elite controlling the air and sea lanes, as well asenergy production, which indeed they have done. Another incredible visionary idea was the concept of air superiority. Whoever gains control of the air will consistently win the ground battle. This has been shown since W.W. I, but it was not realized when H.G. Wells conceived it, and it has taken many years for people to accept the idea. Not only did H.G. Wells predict, modern warfare the bombing ofLondon atom bombs the League of Nations stealth fighters over Iraq space flight, ...and countless other details of the future, far in advance of their eventual happening, as well as mapping out in detail how a New World Order could be created, but he participated in causing events to take place. He was a major player to create the League of Nations. When the Russian Revolution occurred, H.G. Wells(who was known simply as H.G.) went to Russia to trade ideas with Lenin on how to follow up the Revolution to create a New World Order. They disagreed, and parted disliking each other. (The disagreement stemmed over H.G.'s vision that the elite families through business and technology would create the New Order. Lenin wanted to socialize things directly through strong government.) Much later in1934, H.G. visited personally with FDR in the U.S. and Stalin in Moscow. (By the way, all three were Freemasons.) After visiting with FDR, H.G. declared that the, "United States...[was] the most effective transmitting instrument possible for the coming of the new world order." He felt that FDR was incorporating H.G.'s Open Conspiracy ideas for bringing in the NWO that H.G. had been advocating, forinstance, FDR's brain trust, technocratic string pullers like Felix Frankfurter and Raymond Moley, who made policy for FDR. After his meeting with Stalin, he described Stalin, "I have never met a man more candid, fair and honest... and to nothing occult and sinister... everyone trusts him." Over the years, he advocated the U.K. help the U.S.S.R. Readers may realize from this that,


H.G. Wells - Prophet of The NWO

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the U.S. the U.S.S.R. the U.K., ...have all been guided toward the same goal, but have been taking different paths. In general, H.G. was a guru to his generation, and after his death a society in his name continued promoting his views. While he networked with countlesspersons around the world directly promoting his views (which obviously lined up with "The Plan"), his books quietly served a more subtle but important role. The reader may have observed the following about human nature... when first confronted with something true but strange, the mind rejects it as ridiculously crazy. The second time it is heard it is merely rejected, and often the third time the...
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