analisis de poema

Páginas: 3 (670 palabras) Publicado: 10 de noviembre de 2014
Deforestation is generally caused by human action, in which the forest surface is destroyed. It is caused the action of the man over nature, principally for the logging orburning y the logging industry as well as obtaining land for agriculture, mining and ranching.
Fell trees without reforestation efficient resulting in serious damage to habitat, loss biodiversityand produce climate changes. The deported regions tend to soil erosion and frequently degrade to land no productive.

Tipos de deforestación
One of the types of deforestation are fires, in these bighectares of forest were burnt by natural causes, such as lightning strikes on trees.
Other type is Felling, produced by farmers seeking to expand their territory for grazing for livestock or trees toreplace for others of greater economic benefit. Also many forests are deforested for the obtain firewood or building new mining, oil, routes, or to expand the city.
Uno de los tipo de deforestaciónson los Incendios, en estos se queman grandes hectáreas de bosques por causas naturales, como puede ser la caída de rayos en arboles.
Otro de los tipos son Tala, se produce por agricultores quebuscan extender su territorio para el pastoreo de su ganado, o para sustituir esos arboles tradicionales por otros de mayor beneficio económico. También muchos bosques se los deforesta para laobtención de leña o para la edificación de nuevas mineras, petroleras, rutas, o para la ampliación de la cuidad.
Excessive Felling to extract wood
More land for agriculture and livestock
FiresConstruction of urban and rural areas
Pests and diseases of trees.
Tala excesiva para extraer la madera
Mas terrenos para la agricultura y ganadería
Construcción de espacios urbanos yrurales
Plagas y enfermedades de los arboles.

Soil erosion and destabilization of the layers, causing floods and droughts. For example:
Climatic alterations
Reduction of...
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