articulos de drogas

Páginas: 21 (5154 palabras) Publicado: 4 de diciembre de 2013
Salud mental
versión impresa ISSN 0185-3325
Salud Ment v.31 n.6 México nov./dic. 2008
Artículo original
Factores motivacionales protectores de la depresión y el consumo de drogas
Motivational protective factors for depression and drug abuse
Raúl García–Aurrecoechea,1* Solveig E. Rodríguez–Kuri,2 Alberto Córdova Alcaraz2
1 Departamento de Investigación Clínica yEpidemiológica de Centros de Integración Juvenil. Investigador del Sistema Institucional de Investigadores de la Secretaría de Salud.
2 Departamento de Investigación Psicosocial y Documental de Centros de Integración Juvenil. Investigador del Sistema Institucional de Investigadores de la Secretaría de Salud.
Raúl García–Aurrecoechea. 
Tlaxcala 208, 2° piso. 
Hipódromo Condesa, Cuauhtémoc, 06100, 
México, DF. 
Correo electrónico:,
Recibido primera versión: 4 de octubre de 2007. 
Segunda versión: 30 de junio de 2008. 
Aceptado: 6 de agosto de 2008.
As a part of a innovative research line on mental health and addictions focused to operationalize the clinical approach of Maslow's motivational theory, this study isfocused to prove a theoretical multi–factorial model that presuppose a relationship between a set of psycho–social protective factors and affective disorders, attraction to drugs, and severity of legal and illegal drug use, all them mediated by the satisfaction degree of deficit needs and its pleasurable associated sensations.
The study was implemented with across–sectional, ex–post–facto design, with a 241 sample made out by urban young adults that were actual illicit drug users, which used more than five times one of the next drugs: marijuana, cocaine, crack, inhalants, heroin or metamphetamine. These subjects had a 24,5 mean age (SD= 5,1), with a ratio of almost eight men at of each woman. More than half of them were single, a third part was married or lived together and the fifth part wasseparated or divorced.
Half of participants had high school studies, a fourth part had college and 8% had superior level. Half of the subjects were employed, 10% were students, 4% were housemakers, 5% studied and worked simultaneously, and a third part did not work. A fourth part were referred to previous treatment(s) for drug abuse. Based on the diagnosis, marijuana was identified as a drug ofgreater impact (29,9%), followed by cocaine (27,4%), inhalants (16,2%), heroin (12.0%), crack (10%) and crystal (4,6%).
It was applied a battery of instruments that included:
a) A scale to test the Severity of drug abuse (alpha = .953), that included items to evaluate issues such as: the incapacity to control drug use; intense desire to use; increase in the consumption; inability to reject drugs;changes in mood; transgression of the rules; residual symptoms; fights, and self injures.
b) The Beck Depression Inventory (alpha = .918), conformed by two factors, Affective–cognitive depression (alpha = .867), with items related to feeling punished, failed and guilty, and Physiological–behavioral depression (alpha = .853) with items associated to insomnia, feeling tired, irritable, unsatisfiedand hesitated.
c) A multifactorial scale of Degree of Satisfaction of Deficit Needs of Health and security (alpha = .876), with items such as: tranquility, confidence, order and education; authenticity (alpha = .878), with items like honesty, sincerity, respect and freedom; affective (alpha = .780), with items like affection, friendship and love; self esteem (alpha = .825), with items likerecognition, work, success and money; and enjoyment (alpha = .910), with items like joy, amusement, happiness, play, laugh, sing and dance.
d) A multi–factorial risk and protection scale of drug use and related syndromes (alpha = .794), with the following factors: satisfactory family relations (alpha = .850), satisfactory relation with friends (alpha =927) and individual ability for...
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