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Páginas: 51 (12696 palabras) Publicado: 13 de diciembre de 2012
HARRY POTTER AND THE PRISONER OF AZKABAN ---------Scene 1: Under covers prologue. ----------LOCATION: No. Four Privet Drive – Harry’s room - night HARRY: Lumos Maxima... HARRY: Lumos Maxima... HARRY: Lumos Maxima... HARRY: Lumos Maxima... HARRY: Lumos... Maxima! ---------Scene 2: Aunt Marge’s big mistake. ---------LOCATION: No. Four Privet Drive – entryway - daytime AUNT PETUNIA: Harry! Harry!Harry! Open the door! AUNT PETUNIA: Marge! Lovely to see you- How was the train? HARRY: Uncle Vernon. I need you to sign this form. UNCLE VERNON: What is it? HARRY: Nothing. School stuff. UNCLE VERNON: Later perhaps, if you behave. HARRY: I will if she does. ---------LOCATION: No. Four Privet Drive – Dining room - daytime AUNT MARGE: Oh- Still here, are you? HARRY: Yes. AUNT MARGE: Don’t say 'yes'in that ungrateful way. Good of my brother to keep ya. He'd have been straight into an orphanage if he'd been dumped on my doorstep, Vernon. DUDLEY: Ah-ha-ha-ha... Ah-ha! ---------LOCATION: No. Four Privet Drive – Living room - daytime AUNT MARGE: Is that my Dudders?! Is that my little neffy-poo? Come give us a kiss. Come on up, up, up! Oh-ho, yes, hmm. That’s a good boy! UNCLE VERNON: Take Marge’ssuitcase upstairs. HARRY: Okay. ---------LOCATION: No. Four Privet Drive – Dining room - night AUNT MARGE: Now, finish that off for mummy. Good boy, Rippy-pooh. UNCLE VERNON: Can I tempt you, Marge? AUNT MARGE: Just a small one. Excellent nosh, Petunia. Heh- eh, a bit more. Usually it’s just a fry-up for me, what with twelve dogs. A bit more... That's a boy. Umm. Aah. You want to try a littledrop of brandy? A little bit ‘o brundybrandy-wundy-wandy for Rippy-pippy-pooh?... What are you smirking at? HARRY: (shrug) AUNT MARGE: Where is it you send the boy, Vernon? UNCLE VERNON: St. Brutus's. It's a fine institution for hopeless cases. AUNT MARGE: Do they use the cane at St. Brutus's, boy? HARRY: Oh, yeah. Yeah- I’ve, I've been beaten loads of times. Umm. AUNT MARGE: Excellent. I won't havethis namby-pamby, wishy-washy nonsense about not beating people who deserve it. Heh- But you mustn't blame yourself about how this one's turned out, Vernon. It’s all to do with blood. Bad blood will out. What is it the boy's father did, Petunia? AUNT PETUNIA: Nothing. Uh, he did... he didn't work. He was- was- unemployed. AUNT MARGE: And a drunk, too, no doubtHARRY: That's a lie. AUNT MARGE: Whatdid you say? HARRY: My dad wasn't a drunk.

AUNT PETUNIA: Oh! AUNT MARGE: Oh, huh-ha! Don’t worry. Don’t fuss, Petunia. I have a very firm grip. UNCLE VERNON: I think it’s time you went to bed. AUNT MARGE: Quiet, Vernon. You- clean it up! Actually, it’s nothing to do with the father. It’s all to do with the mother. You see it all the time with dogs. If there's something wrong with the bitch,then there’s something wrong with the pup... HARRY: Shut up! Shut up! AUNT MARGE: Umm. Right. Let me tell you... y- ye... UNCLE VERNON: Ohm... umm... AUNT MARGE: Ah! Ahh! Vernon! Vernon, Vernon, do something! UNCLE VERNON: Ow! Ripper! Owww! R- Ripper, get down boy! Get down! AUNT MARGE: Whoo-ooo-oooh! UNCLE VERNON: STOP! ---------LOCATION: No. Four Privet Drive – outside - night UNCLE VERNON: I'vegot you, Marge... I’ve got you... Ow! AUNT MARGE: Ah! Ahhh! UNCLE VERNON: Hold on... Hold on! Hold on! Get off of there! AUNT MARGE: Don't you dare – UNCLE VERNON: Sorry. AUNT MARGE: Aaaah! AUNT PETUNIA: Oh, Vernon! Oh, gosh! UNCLE VERNON: Ahhh! AUNT MARGE: Ahhhh! UNCLE VERNON: Please! Marge! Please! Marge! LOCATION: No. Four Privet Drive – Dining room - night ---------LOCATION: No. Four PrivetDrive – Harry’s room – night HARRY: Ugh! ---------Scene 3: The Knight Bus. ---------LOCATION: No. Four Privet Drive – Entryway – night UNCLE VERNON: You bring her back! You bring her back now and put her right! HARRY: No! She deserved what she got! And you keep away from me. UNCLE VERNON: You're not allowed to do magic outside of school. HARRY: Yeah? Try me. UNCLE VERNON: They won't let you back...
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