
Páginas: 2 (368 palabras) Publicado: 8 de junio de 2012
He was born in February 1, 1965, Wilmington, North Carolina. It was a young actor of martial arts and movies of action to that the death, as his father, Bruce Lee, it surprised to earlyage. His more popular movies are The Crow, Rapid Fire and Frontal assault in the Chinese neighborhood led together with Dolph Lundgren.
Since childhood, Bruce was in charge of teaching martial artstechniques with only 4 years and knew kicking side. With only 8 years left fatherless, and became a "man of the house." Always trying to guard and his sister Shannon as a child, were gradually facingthe death of his father. Brandon was very fond of motorcycling, practiced martial arts and had a similar charisma to that of Bruce.
Brandon died on March 31, 1993 Oakland, California died 28 yearsduring the filming of the movie " The crow " for a bullet calibrate 44 that it had to be of I fire on.
Brandon was buried together with his father in the cemetery Capitol Hill's Lake View, Seattle,Washington.

Brandon Bruce Lee , nació el 1 de febrero de 1965, Wilmington, Carolina del Norte, Fue un joven actor de artes marciales y películas de acción al que la muerte, al igual que su padre,Bruce Lee, lo sorprendió a temprana edad. Sus películas más populares son El Cuervo, Rapid Fire y Little Tokyo:Ataque Frontal (Showdown in little Tokyo) protagonizada junto a Dolph Lundgren.
Desdepequeño, Bruce, se encargó de enseñarle técnicas de artes marciales y con sólo 4 años sabía dar patadas laterales. Con sólo 8 años quedó huérfano de padre y pasó a ser "el hombre de la casa". Siempreprotector y tratando a su hermana, Shanon como una niña, fueron afrontando poco a poco la muerte de su padre. Brandon era muy aficionado al motociclismo, practicaba las artes marciales y poseía un carismasimilar al de Bruce.
Brandon murió el 31 de marzo de 1993 Oakland, California a los 28 años de edad durante la filmación de la película "El Cuervo" por una bala calibre 44 que debía ser de fogueo....
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