Auxiliares verbales mas comunes del ingles

Páginas: 3 (683 palabras) Publicado: 9 de abril de 2011
Auxiliares verbales más comunes del ingles

1.-Buscar un texto que contenga los auxiliares verbales más comunes del ingles.
On Thursday asked permission to my mom to give me permission to attend aparty on Friday night, I told him: may go to attend a party on Friday night, and she told me that it should give me permission, as it was very dangerous to walk at a time on the street as night. AndI told him: do not worry mom I can take care of me alone, besides I'll go with my friends and we can take care of us well. After so much insistence at last I left go.
The next day, when it comes toschool they discuss my friends that my mom if I had given permission to go to the party. And all exiting us because we would all go. Came the night and we met my entire home to attend the party. Whenwe were all ready my mom led us to the party and before me said: please call me at 1: 30 a.m... We have great fun at the party until a group of young began to fight in the party and beat one of ourfriends. It was then when we realized that we could have had an accident, as told by my mother. Given the time of call my mom and she were for us as soon as call you.

2.-Extraer del texto todos losauxiliares verbales que localices y escribir su significado en español como esta en el texto.
May: permitir
Should: debería
Can: puedo
Must: debes
Could: pudimos

3.-Sacar del texto todos losenunciados que contengan algún auxiliar verbal y estructurar correctamente su significado en español.
May go to the party the Friday in the night.
She told me that didn’t should do.
Don’t worry mom Ican care myself
We could have a worst accident.

4.-Cuáles son las palabras que consideras difíciles de entender y busca su significado en español.
Besides – además
Until – hasta
Discuss –discutir
Entire – todo

5.-Sacar del texto mínimo 30 palabras de vocabulario conocido y escribir su significado en español como esta en el texto.
On – en
Tursday – jueves
Asked – pregunte...
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