
Páginas: 4 (868 palabras) Publicado: 10 de marzo de 2014

Cristian diario López cod.1802226
Martin Murr cod.
Andrés Ricardo Melo cod.1802232

The practice on the second lab was concerning thedissemination and burization , the phenomenon spread by which molecules or ions of a substance mixed with any other , where you see the spread is on the beams of buildings where the center of the beamthere is a steel material and diffusion rods is present for the environment such as heat that causes the rod and the particular particles may be fused to the dilating easier steel , another form ofenvironment that diffusion is presented by the carbon dioxide that makes the rod oxidize or sea salt does corrode the rod so the structures must be put to withstand these conditions
This is most clearlyseen with the laws of fick where you see the relationship of diffusion of the two components in which this process is
The burization is a process where the diffusion is clearly seen that for someelement to acquire properties such as hardness, strength and elasticity
 In practice this process is applied on by a tube and graphite, where the two elements were placed in the muffle where it reacheshigh temperatures and this process occurs after the thin film was observed on the specimen coating which gave rougher resistance

Key Words
Auto difusión: En la auto difusión y en la difusiónde átomos sustitusionales, un átomo abandona su sitio en la red para llenar una vacancia cercana conforme continúa la difusión, se tiene un flujo de vacancias y átomos en sentidos opuestos conocidocomo difusión por vacancia. El número de vacancias se incrementa al aumentar la temperatura
Inter difusión: Cuando en la estructura cristalina está presente un pequeño átomo intersticial, este átomopasará de un sitio intersticial a otro. Para este mecanismo no es necesario que existan vacancias. En parte porque el número de sitios intersticiales es mucho mayor que el de vacancias, por tanto, se...
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