Bicentenario del peru

Páginas: 11 (2553 palabras) Publicado: 3 de junio de 2013

Categoría: “C”
Equipo de Trabajo:
-Luis Fernando Mejía Arriola
5to secundaria
Jr. General Murillo Mz. R2 lote 7 – La Campiña – Chorrillos
-José Javier Chacón Mejía
5to secundaria
Av. Ignacio Seminario 366 – Chorrillos
Asesor(a): Claudia Mejía Chávez
Institución Educativa:
Nombre: “Niño Jesús de Praga”Dirección: Av. Alejandro Iglesias 451 – Chorrillos
Telefax: 251-8226
Pagina Web:
Correo electrónico: niñ


Nowadays, the use of smartphones has became massive use around the world and Peru is not a exception. The demand for this electronics devices has increased considerably for their qualities and varieties of plansthat the user could choose , but also it have negative parts that affect the user of these products. This project has been done using the steps carefully to inform students of Niño Jesus de Praga School -Chorrillos because a lot of students have a smartphone and are with them all day.
Nomofobia - Smartphones-Phones-Blackberry-Radiation-Social isolation
The nomofobia or addiction tocell phones is an irrational fear of leaving the house without these devices. The name of this phobia comes from the concept in English 'no mobile', ie without mobile. This term originated in 2011, during a study conducted in the UK to estimate anxiety experienced by users of phones.
Smart phones have great benefits like being connected to the internet all day to communicate with friends throughsocial networks, get information whenever we want, etc.. But the problems are triggered when overused these devices as it brings several consequences for the user.
The main symptoms are aggressiveness, difficulty concentrating and emotional instability. Smartphones addiction causes anxiety, aggression, feeling empty, disrupted sleep, raise stress, brain damage and may even cause cancer fromelectromagnetic radiation. The consequences can be dangerous, but there are measures that depend on the user's self and family decisions made regarding their use.
In this paper we give pause to people who do not use too much of these appliances, but do other activities and take control of your life to not be pend9iente these. It is necessary for parents to be aware of the development of your child andto take steps to not cause this addiction.
In the approach, describing the problem and objectives we aim to inform young smartphone users to be informed of what may cause, spend all day with these electronics.
We conclude that:
We encourage students who view this project who have control in how they use their Smartphone. To be able to look after themselves and not suffer the consequences of suchreliance.

• / posts / salud... / Nomofobia-the-new-enfermedad.html

Actualmente podemos ver como el usode los teléfonos inteligentes o smartphones se ha masificado en todo el mundo y Perú no es la excepción. La demanda de esto aparatos electrónicos ha subido considerablemente por sus cualidades y la variedades de planes que estos poseen, pero también tienen sus partes negativas que afectan al usuario de estos productos. El presente trabajo ha sido elaborado siguiendo los pasos cuidadosamente parapoder informar al alumnado del colegio “Niño Jesús de Praga” – Chorrillos ya que gran parte del alumnado posee estos aparatos electrónicos e incluso están todo el día con él.

Nomofobia – Smartphones-Celulares-Blackberry-Radiaciones-Aislamiento social
La nomofobia o adicción a los teléfonos celulares es el miedo irracional de salir de casa sin estos aparatos.  El nombre de...
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