
Páginas: 2 (349 palabras) Publicado: 10 de diciembre de 2012

obsessive compulsive behavior
The main characteristic of bigorexia  is the thought that no matter how hard you try your body is never muscular enough.  The condition is recognized asmore common with men although some women body builders have also been reported with similar symptoms men with bigorexia report being preoccupied 5 or more hours a day thinking their bodies areunder-developed.  Check themselves up to 12 times a day. Compares to roughly 3 times a day with other weight lifters social & work events  important social events like birthdays, meeting friends,keeping appointments etc are overlooked because they interrupt the training schedule Working hours may be seen as too long and some men have lost their jobs because they spend too long training duringbreak periods. Typically worry about the percentage of body fat they carry rather than being overweight.
Very strict diets are important
Bigorexics will rarely eat at another person's house or at arestaurant because they are unable to control the dietary balance or know exactly what has gone into food preparation. It has been known for men to develop eating disorders such as bulimia.
Bigorexicmen constantly compare their own physique with that of other men. Invariably their perceptions are incorrect. Even when observing men of equal physique they will judge themselves as smaller.Anabolic steroids is common amongst bigorexics.
Men continue using steroids despite experiencing side effects such as increased aggression, acne, breast enlargement, impotence, baldness, impotence andtesticular shrinkage.
Typically, men with bigorexia have a low self esteem
Many will hide away for days at a time because of embarrassment about their body shape.
2000 found that one man avoided sexwith his wife in case it used up energy he could apply to body building. Where men have come forward a combination of educational and psychotherapeutic techniques have begun to show promising...
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