
Páginas: 76 (18770 palabras) Publicado: 17 de marzo de 2010
IC-Prog Prototype Programmer, programs : 12C508, 16C84, 16F84, PIC 16F877, 24C16, 24C32, 93C46, 90S1200, 59C11, 89C2051, 89S53, 250x0, PIC, AVR , 80C51 etc.


IC-Prog Prototype Programmer
Supported programmer types Settings for official supported programmers Adapters Supported devices Verified devices Commandline parameters

Programs : PIC 18F, 18F242, 18F248, 18F252, 18F258,18F442, 18F448, 18F452, 18F458, 12C508, 16C84, 16F84, PIC 16F877, 16F74, 24C16, 24C32, 93C46, 90S1200, 59C11, 89C2051, 89S53, 250x0, PIC, AVR , 80C51 etc. This software package allows you to program all types of serial programmable Integrated Circuits using Windows 95/98/NT/2000/ME/XP Requirements: Min. 8Mb and a processor

HOWTO'S: Program 24Cxx on a card Configure your hardware using Hardware CheckUse "Through Pic Programming"

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since the 15th of August 2000, says Mr Digit

Message Board Chat (1 of 10) [15/11/02 10:55:36 p.m.]

IC-Prog Prototype Programmer, programs : 12C508, 16C84, 16F84, PIC 16F877, 24C16, 24C32, 93C46, 90S1200, 59C11, 89C2051, 89S53, 250x0, PIC, AVR , 80C51 etc.

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UPDATE!!!: I have released a new (beta) version of IC-Prog 1.05A. I have
done some bugfixes and added some new chips:

Email me:


Bonny Gijzen

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Added support for PIC 16F87xA family. This family does *NOT* support "Verify During Programming" !! Added DEBUGGER support for PIC 16F87xA family. Go with mouse to Config paneland hit right mouse-button, then select "Edit DEBUGGER Word". You can now enter a value which will be written on the DEBUGGER ISR address (2004h). This value can also be loaded from HEX file. Added support for PIC 12F family. IMPORTANT: Please read out your PIC 12F and store the file safely. This way you have a backup of your OSCCAL and BANDGAP values! Added PIC 16C765. Improved the READ algorithmfor all PIC families. Much faster now. I have changed the 24Cxx selection. Now you can either choose M24Cxx (Microchip) or AT24Cxx (Atmel), because these chips do behave differently regarding I2C Address selection. This is only needed for use with ProPic II now, but maybe in the future other brands will be added aswell. Ofcourse also other minor bugfixes and updates.

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UPDATE!!! : I have released a new version of IC-Prog 1.05. I have done some
bugfixes and added some new chips:


Added SDA2546, SDA2586. (Please note that SDA/SDE devices can only be programmed in BYTEWRITE mode, but that will be done automaticly.) Added DEBUGGER support for PIC 16F87x family. Go with mouse to Config (2 of 10) [15/11/02 10:55:36 p.m.]

IC-Prog Prototype Programmer, programs : 12C508, 16C84, 16F84, PIC 16F877, 24C16, 24C32, 93C46, 90S1200, 59C11, 89C2051, 89S53, 250x0, PIC, AVR , 80C51 etc.


q q q q


panel and hit right mouse-button, then select "Edit DEBUGGER Word". You can now enter a value which will be written on the DEBUGGER ISR address (2004h). This value canalso be loaded from HEX file. Added support for PIC 18F series, including 18F242, 18F248, 18F252, 18F258, 18F442, 18F448, 18F452, 18F458. Added support for 16F7x family, including 16F73, 16F74, 16F76, 16F77 Added M6M80041 eeprom. Improved TAFE Programmer speed. Added ER1400 eeprom. You must use ER1400 Programmer. Schematic can be found in "Supported programmer types" section. I have updated the"Supported devices" section. There you will find all devices supported by IC-Prog, but also compatible devices like: CAT35C104 == 93C66.

Thanks to Michalev for help/info on ER1400 Programmer, and thanks to Mirek for his support on the newly added devices! Also thanks to Lookerman and Fabio for help on PIC18F. (And thanks to anyone else ofcourse which I forgot to mention.)

UPDATE!!! : I have...
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