Cheat Cube Ubuntu

Páginas: 3 (514 palabras) Publicado: 15 de junio de 2012
cd directory go to directory cd .. go to previous directory ls list files in work directory ls -a list all files (including hidden files) cp file dest copy file to dest cp -r directory dest copydirectory to dest mv source dest move/rename file/directory to dest mkdir new-directory create new directory rm file remove file* rm -r folder remove folder recursively* ln -s file link create symboliclink of file mount -t type device mount-point mount device mount -o loop iso mount-point mount iso image /home/user your working directory /etc See man command for more options global system settingsFILES AND DIRECTORIES
*Use carefully, especially with the -f option

ifconfig show network information iwconfig show wireless information sudo iwlist scan scan for wireless networks ifup interfacebring interface online ifdown interface disable interface sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart reset network for manual configurations
uname -r get kernel version uname -a get all kernel informationstart service start job service (Upstart) stop service stop job service (Upstart) /etc/init.d/service start start service (SysV) /etc/init.d/service stop stop service (SysV) sudo /etc/init.d/gdmrestart restart X and return to login

aptitude aptitude aptitude aptitude aptitude aptitude aptitude aptitude aptitude aptitude

update refresh available updates install pkg install pkg safe-upgradeupgrade all packages full-upgrade upgrade Ubuntu version search pattern search package show pkg show information about package remove pkg uninstall pkg purge pkg uninstall pkg and its settings aptitudeinterface (ncurses) hold pkg not update this package dpkg -i pkg.deb install file pkg.deb /etc/apt/sources.list APT repository list (file) ubuntu-restricted-extras non-free (pkg) build-essential usedto compile programs (pkg) See man command for more options

/etc/network/interfaces configuration (file) ufw enable turn on the firewall ufw disable turn off the firewall ufw default allow allow...
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