Comida Asiática En Inglés

Páginas: 8 (1751 palabras) Publicado: 24 de septiembre de 2012
Asian Food
The great Asian philosopher Lao Tzu commented in certain occasion: "To govern a great nation comes to be like to cook a small fish ". What it wanted to say was that at the moment of governing a country it is necessary to be able to use the spices and give the touches adapted to receive good results. This metaphor is a clear sample of the importance to the food for the Chinese.
SomeChinese specialities are simple and different sophisticated, but all are thought to satisfy his senses. The most popular varieties of Chinese kitchen in Hong Kong are the Cantonese one, that of Chiu Chow and that of Shanghai. The Cantonese one and that of Chiu Chow they come from the same Guangdong's Chinese province, but they are infinitely different in style and flavor. Many restaurantsspecialize themselves in vegetarian food, specialities of Pekin and the vigorous flavors of Hunan and Szechuan.
To crown the culinary experience, do not stop proving a Chinese wine. The flavor and process of distillation of these wines are totally different and really a sorrow is worth proving them.
How could one have developed so much with few instruments? The evolution of the instruments and thetechnologies of the Chinese kitchen can qualify in two principal groups with different styles: that of the north and that of the south.
In general, the plates of the north contain oil, without seeming to be over-sweet, and it tends to predominate over the flavor of the vinegar and the garlic. The pasta plays a role fundamentally in the kitchen of the north: the noodles, little bolls similar to theraviolis, stuffed buns to the steam, and bread to the steam they are the plates based on flour very common. Probably be the styles of Pekin, Tientsin and Shantung more acquaintances inside the Chinese kitchen of the north. The versatility of the Chinese cleaver does that the knife of the Swiss army looks like a simplistic toy. It can be used to cut into pieces, to develop notches in the food, toslice, to crumble, to cut into pieces in ulnae, to grind, to cut, to nag, to fail and to decorate. In addition it can mangle, wash, start and moderate. Every ésto and more is possible with a piece of rectangular steel of approximately eight inches of length and approximately four of width and with a handle of a bit more than four inches of length.
Between the most representative schools of kitchen ofthe south we can mention that of Szechwan and that of Hunan, famous for his wide use of the guindilla; the styles of Kiangsu and Chekiang, which give a great importance to which the ingredients are tender and fresh; and the kitchen of Canton, which tends to be sweet and varied. The rice in his different forms, as for example balls and pastry, they are habitual accompaniments in the southernkitchen.
In the Chinese kitchen, equal importance is granted to the color, aroma and flavor of the plates. In general, in any first plate there are combined from three to five different colors, which are obtained choosing ingredients of light green or dark, red, yellow, white, black color or candy. In general, a dish of meat or of vegetables is prepared from a principal ingredient and two or threesecondary ones that contribute in addition contrasts of color. Later it is cooked in a suitable way, with the necessary spices and sauces to receive an agreeable plate to the senses.
The singing of the cleaver, the edge that does not have edge, in addition has several uses. Support the cleaver upside-down and his singing can break shells of crustaceans or strike meat to soften her. The sides of theleaf can be in use for crushing garlics and species and as a palilla to raise the things of the table of cutting into pieces. The top desafiled of the leaf, the most distant of the handle, is used as scraper to wash the slit. But the principal function of the cleaver supports it in the table of cutting into pieces, lists to carry out a variety of tasks as the food processor. A plate with...
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