
Páginas: 3 (561 palabras) Publicado: 22 de abril de 2012
According to modern science, the origin of the universe was a moment in which the dense matter that existed, collapsed somehow causing an explosion. This explosion allowed the creation ofatoms, molecules, and energy. Then, the universe started cooling and expanding, until it became how we know it now. This theory is the one that is now accepted as valid and its called Big Bang Theory.However, there have been a lot of other theories over the years about the creation of the universe and this, hasn’t always been just a task limited to science, but for religion as well.
Societieshave always searched for an answer to their existence; therefore, they’ve been looking for the answer to the creation of everything else. Some theories have been a little more egocentric (Geocentrictheory) than others. And there are also those theories that are based entirely in faith. I won’t even get into that, because for me it’s ridiculous.
The validity of a theory about the creation of theuniverse is entirely dependable on the acceptation that it has in its society and it becomes “truth” when other people take it as such. It has nothing to do with the actual certainty of it. Forexample, people in the times of Tolomeo, were born, raised, and died with the idea of the Earth as the center of the universe and that was a truth, their truth. For us, that theory is nothing but a mistakeor a necessary process in the evolution of science.
But this is not entirely true, because societies are not necessarily going forward or getting closer to some universal truth. That’s a lie, avery comforting one. A good example are the Romans in Alexandria, they already had a theory that stated what would be known as the Heliocentric Theory, but that was rejected in their society and itwasn’t accepted in the world until a long time after that, with Copernicus.
There’s a lot about the universe that we don’t know, even the Big Bang Theory, to be valid, depends entirely of what is known...
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