Critical Analysis

Páginas: 8 (1993 palabras) Publicado: 29 de mayo de 2012
1. Abstract
This paper will try to begin with an approach of an analysis of the poem from a stylistically view. The aim of it will be point out the use of a stylistic analysis in order to understand the poem as a whole not only from literary point of view but also grammatically, lexically or semantically. How features are used to foreground some interesting parts of the poem. The paper willbe divided into different sections and they will deal with the components of stylistic analysis. Method followed will be describe after and then will be discussed the results to get the conclusion.

2. Literary Review
In a Stylistic Analysis as Short, 1996:8:

We combine linguistic, contextual and general world knowledge, as the basis for inferring an appropriate interpretation.The meaning, then, comes from the text, but notice that we cannot get at the meaning just by doing linguistic analysis…The linguistic features in the txt do not constitute the meaning in themselves; rather they constrain readers from inferring unreasonable meaning and prompf then toward reasonable ones.

The stylistic analysis deals with foreground elements of the text. The author makessome changes in unmarked structures to catch the attention of the reader. The foreground of element is done in different fields: Discoursal, lexical, semantic, grammatical, phonological and graphological and deviation in rhyme and meter. Let’s move on the description of each of these elements according to Short describes them.

Discoursal Deviation:
It has to do with the organization ofthe poem, the structure itself. The way the poem presents the information and the way ideas are organized. For example if the poem starts at the begging or in media res. The common context of situation is Addresser-Message-Addressee but in contrast normally in written texts the context of situation is always deviated because there are more than one addressee and time and place is not shared by allparticipants.

Semantic Deviation:
It is the way words are used according with their meanings. The use of metaphor which is the transfer of meaning between words, is an important feature at this point of the analysis.

Lexical Deviation:
It deals with lexical choices. The words the poet chooses to define something or use of pronouns. Short says that the most representativelexical deviated structure is for example the use of neologism or functional conversion which is converting a word from one grammatical class to another.

Grammatical Deviation:
It is the deviation of grammatical elements like change the word order of the unmarked structure of a sentence.

Morphological Deviation:
This kind of deviation has to do with the use ofmorphemes and compounds. It won’t be the same in meaning and form poem with only the use of compounds or simple words. The deviation of a word can be made by adding an uncommon morpheme.

Phonological and Graphological Deviation:
In terms of phonological deviation, the most common deviated structure used is the alliteration which consists on the repetition of the same sound in the same word orin words which are near. Another deviated structure is thee change on the stress of words.
In terms of Graphological one, the most common foreground element is the capitalization or the not common form of a written line of the poem for example caesura or a line with only one or two words.

Internal and External Deviation:
Internal deviation is breaking with the norm of the poemitself while external deviation is breaking with the norm or conventions of poetry.
Rhyme and Metre:
Rhyme plays an important role in a poem so a way to deviate the structure of a poem is the change of rhyme for example by changing the normal pattern of weak and strong forms. In the same way the metre, which is the rhyme structure, can be foreground by the change of number of syllables in...
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