Cuidado del ambiente

Páginas: 3 (583 palabras) Publicado: 27 de agosto de 2014
Taking care of the environment
and I'm going to talk about caring for the environment
Environment is everything that surrounds us and that we must protect, is the environment that affects andinfluences the life circumstances of people or society. Y is the set of existing natural, social and cultural values ​​in one place and will influence the lives of human beings and future generations.
Myideas for protecting the environment would be:
1-Learn about the environmental problems on the planet
2-Choose products that are not packaged in plastic and recycled or reused packaging, Do not usedisposable items and Recycle glass containers
3- Using solar energy, Not wasting energy, and Turn the lights off and do not use electrical appliances
4- You change the light bulb bulbs savingbulbs
5-No preheat oven, is unnecessary, further 15 minutes before turning it off, the remaining heat in the oven cooking end
6- Avoid products with lots of packaging and wrapping that you'll end uppulling
7-Bring along a cloth bag to not use plastic bags when you shop
 8-Separate waste into organic and inorganic, Convert organic waste into compost and use less chemicals
9-Avoid using toxicsolvents and uses vinegar
10- Use Both Sides of paper and recycle,
11-Close the faucet when brushing teeth, shorten the shower and save water
12- Do not use sprays that make it bad ozone
13- Notcutting trees
14-Plant a tree.
My conclusion would be to protect the planet does not mean giving up our lives or abandon everyday activities. By having simple habits and common sense, each of us cansave energy, reduce pollution affecting the temperature of the Earth, and conserve our limited natural resources.

El cuidado del medio ambiente
El medio ambiente es todo lo que nos rodea y quedebemos proteger, es el entorno que afecta e influye en las circunstancias de vida de las personas o de la sociedad. Y es el conjunto de valores naturales, sociales y culturales existentes en un lugar y...
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  • cuidado del ambiente

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