Dialogo Ingles Politico

Páginas: 5 (1111 palabras) Publicado: 15 de octubre de 2012

Pre: Welcome to the Economist Place: a program for specialists...
In this time, we are going to talk about the rise of prices in Argentina, that is a topic very important for the constumers. Today, we are being visited by two important figures of oposite political parties, we have the Miss Fernandez from the FPV and Miss Lavagna, from the PRO; and for guide thepublic about this topic, we have Misr Losteau, that is an economist in this area: so...
Welcome to the program!!

Ani: thanks for the invitation
Lav: Goodnight.
Lou: It´s a honour to be here…

Pre: Well, In the newspaper’s cover, we can read that the inflation has too high numbers, but Argentina is one of the countries with the highest leveles in the world. Miss Fernandez ¿What do youthink about this?
Ani: The inflation is normal in Argentina; the information is manipulated by the oposite journalists, that consider the Governament as an enemy of thier interests. The country doesn´t have this a high level because the economical laws and movements of the Mrs President are efficient to control the economy.

Pre: But, for example, the workers from the middle class say that withtheir salaries they can´t buy the same goods or food that they bought 5 years ago. They say, the problem is the inflation.
Ani: I don´t think so.
Pre: It´s time for Mr Lavagna…
Lav: Thanks Matthew; Mr Anibal: Do you really think that the levels of the inflation are normal? It is a serious problem in Argentina. Nowadays, the milk costs $5, and in 2004 this good cost $1.50. It is imposible tosay that the people have a good economical situation, if the prices rise and the salaries are frozen.
Ani: These prices are from enemy companies that create false information in order to desestabilize the governament and manipulate the people. The original stadistic of the inflation is made by the INDEC every month.
Pre: So Mr Losteau, What is your opinion about the situation?
Lou: I don´thave an opinion about the situation, but if you allow me, I´m going to explain the inflation in the economy.
Pre: Go ahead
Lou: Thanks! The inflation in the economy is the rise of the prices in market. For example, if I have 4000 dolars, in the market, the price of the milk will be 4.00 dolars but if i have 6000$ for balance the price, the milk will cost 6.00 dolars. A normal levels ofinflation in the economy is a good signal, becouse the economy is growing, but if the economy doesn’t have inflation, the economy falls. But a high level of inflation is bad for the economy, because the wage of the workers is not enough to buy the goods and food that they need in the month. For example, if the workers have a wage of $400 in the month, they will pay the milk $4, the next month $6, theother month $7.
Pre: Excelent, excelent explination Mrs Losteau! Miss Fernandez, which is the level of the inflation in Argentina?
Ani: The level is normal. The INDEC explained that last month, the level of the inflation was 1,7% that is one of the lowest in Latin America
Lav: But, why the numbers of private universities indicate that the level of inflation is 26%. If you need examples, in supermarkets, buying bread costs 40% more than last year, and the wages don´t rise to balance the problem.
Ani: In the central market you can buy a lot of articles that cost the numbers that indicate the INDEC.
Lav: But not everybody can go to the Central Market. It´s the only one in all the country. The people need that the prices be normal in all places.
Ani: I told you that the inflation isnormal... the numbers are false. With $6 per each day, you can buy food. This study was made by the INDEC, last month.
Lav: It Is imposible to eat with 6$ daily. A person needs 40$ every day, and this number will increase the next month if the governament doesn’t give a solution.
Ani: We can´t fix anything that doesn´t exist
Lav: If these economical politics continue, the economy will colapse in 5...
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