
Páginas: 4 (804 palabras) Publicado: 13 de julio de 2012

The Blue Diamond is a story about a theft from a countess occurred within a hotel, where they unjustly accuse a hotel employee. But after much research, where many characters areinvolved between one of them a goose, could be reached to find the real culprit.


Watson visits his friend Holmes at Christmas time and finds himcontemplating a
battered old hat, brought to him by the commissionaire Peterson after it and a
Christmas goose had been dropped by a man in a scuffle with some street ruffians. Peterson takes the goosehome to eat it, but comes back later with a carbuncle. His wife has found it in the bird's crop (throat). Holmes makes some interesting deductions concerning the owner of the hat from simple observationsof its condition; conclusions amply confirmed when an advertisement for the owner produces the man.
The jewel is the countess of Morcar’s blue carbuncle which had been stolen from herrooms at the Hotel Cosmopolitan one week before. A man named John Horner has been arrested on suspicion of the theft as he performed a small job in the dressing room on the day of the crime. The alarmwas given by the upper-attendant, James Ryder.

Holmes places advertisements in the papers and consequently receives a visit from Mr. Henry Baker who hopes to regain his hat and goose.Holmes has a replacement bird ready for Mr. Baker who shows no sign of wishing to recover the original goose. Realising that Mr. Baker can know nothing of the jewel theft Holmes asks where the originalbird came from. Mr. Baker informs Holmes that he got his goose from the Alpha Inn.

Holmes and Watson went to the Alpha pub. The owner, Mr. Windigate, told them the geese. Mr Henry Bakerhad told them about had come Mr Breckinridge shop in Covent Garden . Holmes asked Mr Breckinridge about the geese. He was angry with Holmes. He gave Mr Breckinridge a pound. He told him that the...
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Conviértase en miembro formal de Buenas Tareas