Drugs Dopage

Páginas: 3 (511 palabras) Publicado: 20 de abril de 2012
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The International Olympic Committee Toxic Substances(1896) classified into three categories:
Doping substances
>Stimulants on substances that stimulate the central nervous system orinhibit some functions such as appetite. Are commonly used to maintain the individual's emotional stability and control your weight. Adverse reactions are: Weight loss, agitation, anxiety, tachycardia,depression, vomiting, diarrhea, impotence, changes in sexual desire, hair loss, and pain when urinating.

>Narcotic analgesics are indicated for pain relief in cases such as fractures, lacerations,sprains postoperative pain, myocardial infarction and cancer, where conventional analgesics are insufficient. Adverse reactions are: nausea, vomiting, respiratory depression, lightheadedness, drymouth.

>Anabolic steroids are indicated only in cases of increased catabolism (self-agency), as in severe malnutrition, cancer and advanced osteoporosis. Adverse reactions: pain during sex, prostatecancer and liver hair loss.

>Beta blockers are also used drugs used in the control of hypertension are adverse arterial. Adverse reactions are coldness of the extremities, muscle fatigue, decreasedheart rate, sleep disturbances, skin rashes and dry eyes. Sports where they are most used are bowling, archery and all sports in general accuracy.

>Diuretics promote or enhance diuresis(urination). It is used in cardiovascular and renal diseases such as hypertension and renal failure. Adverse reactions are dehydration, hearing impairment, preach appetite, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, thirst,flushing, kidney stones, glycosuria (presence of sugar in the urine), muscle fatigue and decreased heart rate.

>Hormones that are applied when there are cases of hormone deficiency. Adversereactions: nausea, vomiting, rashes, precocious puberty, headaches, depression, abdominal pain, fever, sodium and water retention.

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Method of doping

which talks about blood doping (intracellular)...
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