Early Onset Alzheimer's

Páginas: 5 (1103 palabras) Publicado: 29 de enero de 2013
The benign or normal neglect, is part of the aging process. Most of people have experienced at some point forgetting names, places or dates, but this oblivion differs from the study subject of this paper. Alzheimer's Disease or Senile Dementia, causes the patient forget names of close family members, get lost in familiar places, forget how to open a door, how to get dressed or howto read, these are among the most common symptoms. In many cases become violent and can endanger family members and nurses. Alzheimer's disease, a disease that eats up the memory until they are empty.
Alzheimer's Disease is a gradual, degenerative brain disease which can not be cured. it is referred as the most common kind of demensia. The disease attacks the nerve cells in all the parts of thecortex of the brain, thus seriously impairing the capacities of the individual to recognize errors and patterns, manage emotions, remember things and coordinate movement.
In this paper will be entering into details about the early-onset Alzheimer's, discussing common symptoms of the disease, covering about certain impacts associated with the illness and mention a few common treatments that areusing it for minimize the harm. Since Alzheimer's is a degenerative disease so harmful that can hurt not just the patient but to the people around, we need to try and understand and be prepared to deal with it.
Early-onset Alzheimer's Disease
The early-onset Alzheimer's disease is the term used for cases of Alzheimer's diagnosed before the age of 65. This is an uncommon form of Alzheimer's disease,which represents only 5-10% of those suffering from Alzheimer. In this condition we talked about persons in their 40's and 50's that they might be affected. But has seen cases as early as in their 30's. Early-onset Alzheimer's, however, share the same characteristics that form the 'late-onset' is commonly known as Alzheimer's disease.
“Individuals with early-onset Alzheimer's disease willexhibit many of the same symptoms as those whose disease appears later in life. Forgetfulness, confusion, difficulty completing simple tasks, problems with communication and personality changes are among the possible experiences that may be encountered. Anyone who has this combination of symptoms should see a physician as soon as possible”. (Lee-Frye, B., 2009)
Alzheimer's disease or SenileDementia Alzheimer Type (SDAT) is a slow form of progressive dementia which is an acquired and progressive disturbance of intellectual function. The loss of memory is an essential symtom or characteristic to diagnose the disease, must also be presenting alterations in the following areas to diagnose any type of dementia: trouble speaking, poor decision making, judgment, attention and other relatedfields of cognitive functioning and personality. Loses mental functioning and memory.
“For most people with early-onset Alzheimer’s disease, the symptoms will closely mirror those of other forms of Alzheimer’s disease. Some of the early symptoms are: forgetting important things (particularly newly learned information or important dates), asking for the same information again and again, difficultysolving basic problems, such as keeping track of bills or following a favorite recipe, losing track of the date or time of year, losing track of where you are and how you got there, difficulty with depth perception or other vision problems, difficulty joining conversations or finding the right word for something, misplacing things and not being able to retrace your steps to find it, increasinglypoor judgment, withdrawal from work and social situations, changes in mood and personality. And later symptoms of the disease are: severe mood swings and behavior changes, deepening confusion about time, place, and life events, suspicions about friends, family, or caregivers, difficulty speaking, swallowing, or walking, severe memory loss.” (hopkinsmedicine.org, 2012)
The disease progress is...
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