
Páginas: 36 (8780 palabras) Publicado: 28 de octubre de 2012
Magma is a PC tool that allows authors to build Rock Band Network song packages ( *.rba ) using multi-track audio files and MIDI gameplay files. Magma is essentially the packaging and distribution tool for the Rock Band Network, and it is the PC counterpart to Rock Band 3's in-game Audition Mode.
Table of Contents
1. Prerequisites
2. Basics
3. Information Tab
4. Audio Tab
5.Game Data Tab
6. Transfer
7. Troubleshooting
To use Magma, you'll need to have finished (or mostly finished) the Authoring process. Magma runs a very thorough check of your stems and MIDI file, and while its error messages are a great way to identify problems, nothing beats getting it right the first time.
Your MIDIfile needs to meet many requirements, which are outlined in Authoring. If you are working with an incomplete MIDI file, you may need to adjust or add several elements to make it work with Magma.
Your audio files (stems) also need to meet several requirements:
* .wav file format
* 44.1Khz or 48Khz sample rate (except for dry vocals files)
* Mono or stereo will work, but see the Audio Tabsection below for some caveats
* 16- or 24-bit bitrate
Finally, all text and metadata entered into Magma itself can contain only the following characters:
* abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
* #$%&'()*+,-./
* 0123456789
*  :¿ÀÁÂÃÄÅÆÇÈÉÊËÌÍÎÏÐÑÒÓÔÕØÙÚÛÜÝÞßàáâãäåæçèéêëìíîïðñòóôõøùúûü
*  !¡©®°
Magma is simply a tool to combine your audio files, MIDI (gameplay) file, and song metadata together to make a complete Rock Band song package. (This process is called building a song package.) These three elements are represented by three tabs, each of which is covered in its own section below.
Projects and Build Location
Each song youcreate in Magma will have its own Magma Project file (.rbproj). Before you can build a song, you'll need to have saved your current project to an .rbproj file and assigned a "Build To" location for the song package file. To save a project, simply use "Save As..." from the File menu, like any other Windows program. To assign a build location, look for the "..." button in the lower left of the Magmawindow.
Build & Audition

At the bottom of every tab are controls for building and auditioning your song. Clicking any "Build" button will automatically save your project and start the song package creation process. If only a few elements have changed since your last build, Magma will try and build only those elements; if you've only changedyour MIDI, for example, Magma will not re-compile the audio.
* Build and Audition: Build the song with current data and immediately open the "Transfer to Xbox" window. (See "Transfer" below for more information on transferring songs to your Xbox 360.)
* Build: Build the song with current data.
* Audition: Opens the "Transfer to Xbox" window.-------------------------------------------------
Information Tab

The Information tab is where you will populate most of your song's metadata. Keep in mind that you can't fix any mistakes you make in this tab once your song is published!
* Title: The name of your song, e.g. "Roxanne". Max length 99 characters.
* Artist: The artist or group performing the song, e.g. "The Police". Max length 74 characters.
* Album: The album onwhich your track originally appeared, e.g. "Outlandos d'Amour". Max length 74 characters.
* Track Number: The track number of this song (1-100) on the album from the "Album" field. If three or more songs from this album exist in Rock Band, the game will create an album header and sort the songs by track number.
* If your song does not appear on an album, leave the checkbox next to...
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