El Mejunje

Páginas: 2 (473 palabras) Publicado: 30 de marzo de 2013
"El mejunje."

"El mejunje" is a Puerto Rican expression in Spanish that tries to define or compact the mixture of something that could be either a very big mess or two or more elements forced tobe mashed up all together in a very small place. Its a very colloquial expression, very relaxed and playful. Usually if someone tells you that your life is a "mejunje" it means you have lived a lot ofdifferent experiences, considering how young you are. But, If your mom tell you your room is a “mejunje”… then you should really clean it up.

I was born in Puerto Rico, just like my father, butmy mother is from the Dominican Republic. This tell you that from the beginning, being born "Puerto-Dominican" (as they call people here that have half Puerto Rican and half Dominican chromosomes ontheir system) I have a "mejunje" with the constant (and sometimes hilarious) clash and course of cultures that I have in my family. As an example I could relate to you the story of my parents weddingday. I was not there as a witness but the stories are never ending. Right now I feel a mejunje just by trying to explain what a mejunje is.

I have a mejunje, with lots of ups and downs, just likeeverybody else. And I love it!

Now for some random spanish poetry:

Who needs angels?
I do. I need one to stop me from making a fool of myself every single day.

Corran dedos, quiero que sedeslicen como si mañana no pudiesen, vuelquen el mundo buscando la manera de contarlo todo a ver si así se me apacigua el sentimiento.

Quiero AIRE, me hace falta respirar nuevos cielos y vivir enpaz, en calma conmigo misma y con otros. Estar tranquila sin vivir pensando que será lo que pasará ahora, especulando sobre lo que hacen las dos razones por las que vivo inquieta para así tener deantemano una idea de como defenderme de ti.

De ustedes por que no es uno si no son dos los que remueven las turbias aguas que residen en mí, haciendome sentir como un asqueroso río sin cauce...
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