
Páginas: 2 (492 palabras) Publicado: 27 de diciembre de 2012
Ella está escribiendo
Ella no está escribiendo
is he writing
¿ella está jugando tenis en la playa?
ella no juega tenis en la playa
no, ella no está llorando
no, ella no está jugando tenis enla playa
no, ellos no van a su casa
¿El está riendo? El está riendo. No el no está riendo.
Is he laughing? He is laughing. Not he is not laughing.
He will read a book. He is going to read a book.Él leerá un libro. Él va a leer un libro. Will he read a book? ¿Leerá él un libro? He won´t read a book. Él no leerá un libro.

1. What is this? this is a chair. it is a chair.
¿qué es esto? estoes una silla. Esto es una silla.
2. what sound those? they are two penguins
¿qué son aquellos? ellos son dos pingüinos.
3. ¿qué es eso?es un lápiz
What is it? It is a pencil
4. whatsound these?these are apples
¿qué son estos? estos son manzanas

* SATA ( conectores)
* ALU (Unidad Aritmética Lógica)
* IDE /PATA (conectores)
*MEMORIAS (ranuras memoria RAM)
* Socket (CPU)
* 4-PIN CPU (conector)
* PCI Express x16 (ranura)
* PCI (ranuras)
what time does the game starts?
What time do you want to go home?
Whattime did you go to sleep last night?
What time did we start running?
What time is the Biology exam?
What time is the dead line to turn in the homework?
What time is the next person coming in?What time is it?
What time the party going to begin?
What time did you say?
What time did you get here?
It starts at what time?
What time are you leaving?
What time are you going to startmaking your own homework lazy boy?
What time is it?
2. At what time can I pick you up?
3. At what time are going to do your homework?
4. At what time do you go to sleep?
5. At what time doyou eat dinner?
Dakota Rose
Valeria Lukyanova
Anastasiya Shpagina
Olga Oleynik

Nadie sabe lo que tiene, hasta que lo pierde.

El amor no existe.

Para vivir los árboles no hay que...
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