Ensayo En Inglés "Vegetarianism"

Páginas: 4 (997 palabras) Publicado: 24 de junio de 2012
Pumanque College
Puerto Montt
June, 2012

The Vegetarianism

Jared Eduardo González Scholz
Mister Morrison
The Word vegetarian by the Vegetarian British Association in 1842,derived from the latin word  “vegetus”, that means "complete, healthy or fresh". 
Today, and each day, more people, youth and adults choose to make a change in their life and they decide to be vegetarianor vegan.
To be vegetarian, generally happens for two reasons; the first is just to be healthy, because everybody knows that eating to many meat is bad for health. And the other reason is ethics.From the ethics pole we might make a succession of questions like ¿Why an animal no-human can be murdered for the satisfaction of their “superiors”? or ¿It is really indispensable to avail themselvesof the murder of other beings to survive? or ¿the no-vegetarian people really knows what are they eating? These are questions that everybody should make to ourselves before drop a piece of ex-life inour mouth.
Vegetarian is someone who not only abstains from meat and meat products, it is a person who has a philosophical, ethical and moral that goes beyond this, is a way of thinking and living,respecting every sentient being as he deserves it. This implies not eating meat either beef, pork, fish, not eating shellfish, do not use fur or animal leather, do not use derogatory language toanimals, not to use them as objects of fun as in rodeos, bullfighting, cockfighting, dogfighting, circuses, sport hunting and fishing or not, as well as scientific experimentation as cruel vivisection (thepractice of dissecting animals while they are alive and without anesthesia to test reactions), in itself, is to see animals as our brothers that are not as usable objects to our benefit and fun.Today in Europe every year about eleven million and in U.S. about a hundred million animals are used in experiments such as vivisection tests mentioned above as well as the lethal dose LD50, which is to...
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