Examen De Ingles 2 Año

Páginas: 4 (819 palabras) Publicado: 7 de junio de 2012

I INSTRUCTIONS: Underline the correct answer.
1.-You don´t look well. Maybe you should ________ home.
a) write b) study c) go d) play
2.-Ifeel awful. I have a headache.
a)Maybe you shouldn´t se a doctor. B)Maybe you should see a doctor.
c)Maybe you should be in the sun d) Maybe you should go to the cinema.
3.-My eyes arered.
a) Why don´t you put some drops b)why don´t you go to bed
c)why don´t you read a book d) why don´t you see a movie.
4.- Doctors use them to see your throat.
a) ether b)alcohol c) gauze d) tongue depressors
5.- In general, it`s best to take oral medicines...
a)with a fuul glass of water b)with soda c) with alcohol d) with wine
6 .- I have a cold.
a)why don´t you see an architect b)why don´t you eat chili
a) why don´t you drink honey and lemon d)why don´t you go to swim.
7.-I´ getting fat.
a) why don´t you eat salads end fruit. B)whydon´t you go to the movies
c)you should eat greasy food. d) you should eat chocolate and potato chips
8.-Migraine is a kind of…
a)stomachache b)headache c) backache d) diarrhea
9.-I havea toothache.
a)why don´t you see a dentist b) why don´t you see an engineer
c)why don´t you see a mechanic d) why don´t you see a doctor
10.-I have a problem with my English class.a) Maybe you should see more TV b) why don´t you eat more fruits and vegetables.
c) Maybe you should leave school d) why don´t you pay attention and study more,especially before your exams.
11.-A dental cavity causes...
a) a backache b) a stomachache c) toothache d) a sore throat

II.- INSTRUCTIONS:Answer the questions about the human body.
1.-How many bones do we have?
a) 100 b)206 c)96 d) 150
2.-Which is the smallest bone in the human body?
a)femur b) radius c) stirrup d)...
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