Fair Trade

Páginas: 2 (413 palabras) Publicado: 27 de octubre de 2011
For producers Fairtrade is unique in offering four important benefits
1. Stable Prices
For most products, prices that at least cover the costs of sustainable production – even when world marketprices fall.
2. A Fairtrade Premium
The Premium helps producers to improve the quality of their lives. It is paid on top of the agreed Fairtrade price, and producers decide democratically how to useit. Typically they invest it in education, healthcare, farm improvements or processing facilities to increase income.
3. Partnership
Producers are involved in decisions that affect their future.Fairtrade certified producers jointly own and manage FLO. Through the FLO's Board, its Committees and consultation processes producers can influence prices, premiums, standards and overall strategy.4. Empowerment of farmers and workers
This is a goal of Fairtrade. Small farmer groups must have a democratic structure and transparent administration in order to be certified. Workers must beallowed to have representatives on a committee that decides on the use of the Fairtrade Premium. Both groups are supported by FLO to develop their capacity in this area.
With Fairtrade everyone winsConsumers
Shoppers can buy products in line with their values and principles. They can choose from an ever growing range of great products. By buying into Fairtrade consumers support producers who arestruggling to improve their lives.
Since its launch in 2002 the FAIRTRADE Mark has become the most widely, recognised social and development label in the world. Fairtrade offerscompanies a credible way to ensure that their trade has a positive impact for the people at the end of the chain.
Fairtrade rewards and encourages farming and production practices thatare environmentally sustainable. Producers are also encouraged to strive toward organic certification. Producers must:
* Protect the environment in which they work and live. This includes areas of...
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