fashion 1920

Páginas: 6 (1331 palabras) Publicado: 15 de febrero de 2015

In the last century, fashion has completely changed, as have done societies. The woman has gone from wear bodices and wasp waists to wear sober dresses and skirts cut straight through the infarct miniskirts and pants campaign .

Now, in the XXI century , fashion seems to be undergoing a crisis and designers turn their eyes to the past to fill the female cabinet styles and lived inthe twentieth century : they call "vintage " fashion.

Different historical eras and styles. The social values ​​change, societies evolve and how could it be otherwise, fashion is the first to adapt to changing times.El zero conditional se refiere a una situación que es siempre verdadera. 
The conditional zero refers to a situation that is always true

Está conformado por: if + present simple + present simple: 
If he goes to a pub, he drinks beer:Si va a un pub, bebe cerveza 
If you freeze water, it turns into ice.: Si congelas agua, se vuelve hielo. 
En toda forma condicional, las estructuras pueden ser invertidas de orden sin cambiar su significados: 
It is hard to sleep if you take cofee: Es difícil dormir si tomas café 
If you take cofeeit is hard to sleep: Si tomas café es difícil dormir

El pasado continuo se utiliza para acciones que ocurrieron en un momento específico en el pasado. Como el presente continuo, se forma con el verbo "to be" y el gerundio
The past continuous is used for actions that occurred at a specific time in the past. As the present continuous, is formed with the verb "tobe" and the gerund

Example: Angela was cooking pasta last night
tetsu and his friends were watching a movie.: Tetsu y sus amigos estaban viendo
una película

Auxiliar (to be) (to be)
I, He, She, It
talking, eating, learning, doing, going...
You, We, They
talking,eating, learning, doing, going...

Past continuous (pasado continuo): Es cuando se realiza la acción y esta se prolonga por un tiempo. Se usa "was/were" + un verbo con "ing" 

I was listening to music : Estaba escuchando música 
He was playing with his sister - El estaba jugando con su hermana 
She was taking a bath- Ella se estaba dando un baño 
They were singing an english song - Ellos estaban cantando una canción - en inglés 
We were eating some cookies - Estabamos comiendo unas galletas 

Simple past (pasado simple): la oración en este caso, lleva el verbo enpasado. 
They broke a window Ellos rompieron una ventana 
We bought some drinks - Compramos unas bebidas 
She fall asleep - Ella se quedó dormida 
He kicked the ball - El pateó la pelota 
I turned on the lights -Encendí las luces
Participles adjectives are formed by using participle verbs either terminated "ed " or "ing" (as characteristic of time or permanent).

Los adjetivos participios se forman mediante el uso de verbos en participio, ya sea con terminación "ed" o "ing"(según sea característica del momento o permanente).
That woman is a very interesting writer.
Esa mujer es una escritora...
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