
Páginas: 6 (1385 palabras) Publicado: 15 de abril de 2012



Motto :
Plus ultra: is the national motto of Spain. It is adopted from the personal motto of Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor (and King of Spain as Charles I) and is a Latin translation from Plus Oultre, his original motto in Old French (Charles' native language). In Spanish Plus Ultra means “mas allá”.

Anthem :
¡Viva España!
Cantemos todos juntos
con distintavoz
y un solo corazón

¡Viva España!
desde los verdes valles
al inmenso mar,
un himno de hermandad

Ama a la Patria
pues sabe abrazar,
bajo su cielo azul,
pueblos en libertad

Gloria a los hijos
que a la Historia dan
justicia y grandeza
democracia y paz.

Map of Spain


The country of Spain is right next to Portugal and France.


Spain’s climate isdetermined by its unusual world position, on the south western edge of Eurasia and just 13.4 kilometres from Africa at its narrowest point, with an ocean to the west and a sea to the east, and by its continental land mass and high mountainous terrain, producing a mosaic of climates, the most varied in Europe. Weather presenters here often have a lot to fit in their two minutes.


Theculture of Spain is a European culture based on a variety of influences. These include the pre-Roman cultures, mainly the Celtic and the Iberian cultures; but primarily in the period of Roman influences. In the areas of language and religion, the ancient Romans left a lasting legacy. The subsequent course of Spanish history also added elements to the country's cultural development.

Spanish cuisine consists of a variety of dishes, which stem from differences in geography, culture and climate. It is heavily influenced by seafood available from the waters that surround the country, and reflects the country's deep maritime roots. Spain's extensive history with many cultural influences has led to an array of unique cuisines with literally thousands of recipes and flavors. Itis also renowned for its health benefits and fresh ingredients, as Mediterranean diet.


The most important Spanish holiday is "Semana Santa" (Holy Week), celebrated the week before Easter with large parades and other religious events. Spaniards also hold celebrations to honors their local patron saints in churches, cities, towns and villages. The people decorate the streets, buildbonfires, set off fireworks and hold large parades, bullfights, and beauty contests.
One of the best known Spanish celebrations is the festival of "San Fermin," which is celebrated every year in July in Pamplona. Bulls are released into the streets, while people run ahead of the animals to the bullring.

Capital and Largest City

Madrid is the capital and largest city of Spain.


The languages of Spain (Spanish: lenguas de España), or Spanish languages (Spanish: lenguas españolas or lenguas hispánicas), are the languages spoken or once spoken in Spain. Romance languages are the most widely spoken in Spain; of which Spanish, or Castilian, is the only language which has official status for the whole country. Various other languages have co-official or recognised statusin specific territories, and a number of unofficial languages and dialects are spoken in certain localities.


Roman Catholicism is the largest denomination of Christianity present in Spain by far. According to a October 2011 study by the Spanish Center of Sociological Research about 70.1% of Spaniards self-identify as Catholics, 2.7% other faith, and about 25% identify with noreligion. Most Spaniards do not participate regularly in religious worship. This same study shows that of the Spaniards who identify themselves as religious, 56% goes to mass few times a year, 15% go to mass many times a year, 9% some time per month and 16% every Sunday or multiple times per week. Although a majority of Spaniards are Catholics, most, especially those of the younger generation, ignore...
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