Hack Samp

Páginas: 19 (4703 palabras) Publicado: 11 de septiembre de 2011
# m0d_s0beit_SA v4.0.4.1 for SA:MP 0.2.X.U1_2
# by jflm & nuckfuts
# Credits & Greets:
# s0beit, Wang, Trix, Static, cBonky, REALfreaky, v0gelz, CrazyT,
# nuckfuts, wax, cereal, jac0b, playa', North, caytchen, DeN00b,
# jflm, Offroader23, Kosty@n, gaffkanone, Racer_S.....
# everyone at gamedeception.net
# everyone at GTAForums.com
# everyone at Multi Theft Auto
# andeveryone helping with moral support & hosting

# ini file for teh modified s0beit haxx boiiiiii
# ******* ERRORS OF THE CURRENT SESSION ARE LOGGED TO m0d_s0beit_sa.log *******
# ******* ERRORS OF ALL SESSIONS ARE LOGGED TO m0d_s0beit_sa_all.log *******
# File format:
# variable_name = value assigns "value" to "variable_name"
# array_name[index] = value assigns "value" toarray_name[index]
# array_name[] = value assigns "value" to the first free index in the array
# Entries ending with a backslash ('') continue on the next line.
# Lines starting with '#' or ';' are ignored.
# \ escapes " within strings, eg "NaWaR sucks "roosters" for steroids."
# Valid hotkey names include:
# a-z, 0-9
# lbutton, rbutton, mbutton, mouse_4,mouse_5 (mouse buttons)
# backspace, tab, return
# lshift, rshift, lctrl, rctrl, lalt, ralt
# space, pageup, pagedn, end, home
# left, up, right, down
# insert, delete, pause
# np0-9 (numpad 0-9)
# multiply, add, separator, subtract, decimal, divide
# f1-f24
# oem_plus, oem_comma, oem_minus, oem_period (non-numpad keys)
# &num (where num is the key's constant number, indecimal, see URL below)
# oem_1-oem_8:
# VK_OEM_1: Windows 2000/XP: For the US standard keyboard, the ';:' key
# VK_OEM_2: Windows 2000/XP: For the US standard keyboard, the '/?' key
# VK_OEM_3: Windows 2000/XP: For the US standard keyboard, the '`~' key
# VK_OEM_4: Windows 2000/XP: For the US standard keyboard, the '[{' key
# VK_OEM_5: Windows 2000/XP: For the US standard keyboard, the'\|' key
# VK_OEM_6: Windows 2000/XP: For the US standard keyboard, the ']}' key
# VK_OEM_7: Windows 2000/XP: For the US standard keyboard, the 'single-quote/double-quote' key
# VK_OEM_8: Used for miscellaneous characters; it can vary by keyboard.
# See:
# http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/winui/winui/WindowsUserInterface/UserInput/VirtualKeyCodes.asp
# formore information about keys
# Use &0 to disable a hotkey

# Main INI settings

# =================
# In-game menu keys
# =================
key_menu = f11
key_menu_up = up
key_menu_right = right
key_menu_down = down
key_menu_left = left
key_menu_select = return
key_menu_dec = subtract
key_menu_inc = add# ===================
# Custom GUI settings
# ===================
hud_draw_bar = true
render_text_shadows = true
left_bottom_bars_enable = true

# Format: gui[] = "element" alpha red green blue
# NOTE: Don't change the order nor add anything else because these are internal.
# The "element" field is just to identify the item you're editing.
gui[] = "HUD bar" 1270 0 0
gui[] = "Spectate warning (HUD bar)" 110 100 0 0
gui[] = "SA:MP cheat state text" 255 255 0 0

# (new menu colors)
gui[] = "Menu: Titlebar background" 190 0 0 81
gui[] = "Menu: Background" 180 0 0 71
gui[] = "Menu: Selected item bar" 190 40 122 160
gui[] = "Menu: Selected item text" 255 255 136 229

# GTA SA HUD colors
gui[] = "GTA: HP bar" 255 180 25 29gui[] = "GTA: Money HUD" 255 54 104 44

# ==============
# HUD indicators
# ==============
hud_indicator_inv = true
hud_indicator_weapon = true
hud_indicator_money = true
hud_indicator_freeze = true

hud_indicator_inveh_airbrk = true
hud_indicator_inveh_stick = true
hud_indicator_inveh_brkdance = true

hud_indicator_onfoot_airbrk = true
hud_indicator_onfoot_stick = true...
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