How Did Hitler Get The Power?

Páginas: 12 (2940 palabras) Publicado: 23 de enero de 2013

The World War II has been one of the most important events in the human history; it was an event that changed the direction of humanity in many ways. The world war II was an international conflict that affected most of the nations in the world, it cost the lives of over 60 million people and some of the worst crimes that the world have ever seen were committed in thisterrible war.
It’s believed that this horrible incident was caused mainly by one person, Adolf Hitler. Many historians claim that Hitler was a madman, a man affected by a difficult childhood and transformed by the World War I. It’s hard to think that this sick man could become the president of Germany, convince a whole nation to exterminate an entire race and bring the world to the brink ofdestruction.
In the following pages the rise of Adolf Hitler will be discussed. All the aspects that helped him to reach the pinnacle of power, his path in German politics, his personal skills that allowed him to control the masses, the characters that helped him in his rise and the political, social and economic situations that he took advantage of.
Hitler’s success in his pathto power was possible for the circumstances in Germany, the economic, social, and political crisis caused by having lost the First World War, Hitler got the support of people promising to stabilize the country's economy, eradicate the Jews and restore the Germany's glory that had been taken away.
After four years of war, in 1918 Germany accepted its surrender in the First World War,accepting evacuate all occupied territories removing its army and navy. The victorious nations agreed to discuss the terms of the war’s end while Germany had no other option rather than accept what these nations decide.
In 1919 The Versailles Treaty was signed in France. The allies nations (the United States, Britain, France, Italy and Japan) discussed the points of the treaty for months, given thatall of them had different interests and concerns. When the first draft of the treaty was presented to the German government, the German delegation argued that the terms were totally unfair. These objections had a very little impact in the final treaty; only a few minor changes were made. Germany was forced to accept all the responsibility for the war as well as pay war reparations, disarmamentand land concessions.
In the territorial aspect, Germany ceded about 13 percent of its territory, which meant losing 10 percent of its population. These territories were given primarily to France, Czechoslovakia, Belgium and Denmark. The German colonies and islands in Africa, Asia and Oceania were ceded to Portugal, France, Japan, South Africa, Britain, New Zealand and Australia. All theseterritories were confiscated as compensation for the war.
Economic reparations were extremely high, in the beginning it was unknown the real sum that Germany had to pay. The final sum was 132 billion marks and 25 percent of German exportations during the repayment schedule. German government tried to renegotiate the reparations demand but the allied threatened to occupy the Ruhr, region of coaland steel production of Germany. Germans accepted to pay the war reparations; they had to borrow from foreign banks which greatly damage the country's economy.
Germany's military power was reduced with the intention to prevent Germany could go to war in many years. The army was reduced to 100,000 men and the navy to 15,000 men. Periods of service were reduced to only 20 days to avoid thetraining of offensive reserves. The only training that soldiers could receive was defined as defensive. All the weapons and equipment considered offensive were banned such as tanks, aircraft, gas, and submarines.
Probably the aspect that caused most humiliation and anger in the population of Germany was the issue of war guilt. Germany was found guilty for starting the war and committing...
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