Human Body Systems

Páginas: 4 (874 palabras) Publicado: 22 de abril de 2012

APPENDIX: a small, curved part attached to the intestines which has no known use

SALIVARY GLANDS: one of the glands that produce saliva and release it into the mouthESOPHAGUS: the tube in the body that carries food from the mouth to the stomach

LIVER: a large organ in the body that cleans the blood

STOMACH: an organ in the body where food is digested

GALLBLADDER: a small organ in the body like a bag connected to the liver which stores bile.

SMALL INTESTINE: the upper part of the bowels between the stomach and the large intestine

LARGE INTESTINE:the lower part of the bowels in which water is removed from digested food
before it is passed out of the body as solid waste

PANCREAS: an organ in the body thatproduces insulin and substances that help to digest food

ANUS: the opening at the end of the intestines through which solid excrement leaves the body


HEAD: the part of the bodythat contains the eyes, nose, mouth, ears, and the brain

HAIR: the mass of thin structures on the head of a person

EAR: either of the two organs in the head by which people hear sounds, or thepart of this organ that is outside the head

MOUTH:the opening in the face used by a person or animal to eat and drink

NECK: the part of the body that joins the head to the shoulders

NOSE: thepart of the face above the mouth through which a person or animal breathes and smells

FINGER: any of the long, thin parts of the hand that bend and hold things

HAND: any of the long, thinparts of the hand that bend and hold things

STOMACH: an organ in the body where food is digested

ELBOW: the bony point at which the arm bends

ARM: either of the two long parts of the upper bodythat are joined to the shoulders and have hands at the end

WRIST: the narrow part of the arm above the hand that can bend to move the hand in different directions

KNEE: the middle joint of...
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