
Páginas: 2 (304 palabras) Publicado: 5 de diciembre de 2012
First Conditional ((:
* Si tú estudias, te sacaras un siete.
If you study, you will get a 7.0.
* Si ella toma leche, ella estará saludable.
If she drinks milk,she will be healthy.

* Si ella no se levanta temprano, ella estará atrasada.
If she doesn´t wakes up early, she will be late.
* Si tú tomas desayuno, no tendráshambre.
If you have breakfast, you won´t have hungry.

* Si pedro no estudia para la prueba, obtendrá un rojo.
If Peter doesn´t studies for the test, he will geta red grade.
* Si mi papá me da permiso, iré a la fiesta.
If my dad give me permissions, I will go to the party.

* Si ellos ponen atención enclases, aprenderán.
If they pay attention in class, they will learn.
* Si hace calor el domingo, nosotros iremos a la playa.
If have hot the Sunday, we will go the beach.* Si mamá no cocina, nosotros iremos a comer afuera.
If mom doesn´t cook, we will go have a dinner get out.

Crea oraciones con el First Conditional ((:

1.If my sister doesn´t studies, she won´t learn nothing.

2. If my friend plays with me, she will be happy.

3. If have cold the Friday, I won´t go to the beach.4. If Macarena get a red grade, she will be very sad.

5. If my dad doesn´t work, he won´t eat.

Vocabulario ((:
1. Needle : Aguja
2. Hammer : Martillo
3. Knit: Tejer
4. Knitting : Palillos
5. PaintBrush: Brocha
6. Sew : Coser
7. Thread : Hilo
8. Yarn : Madeja de Lana
9. Ladder : Escalera
10.Nails : Clavos.
Why -Because ((:
1. Why are you so happy?
Because I get a blue grade.

2. Why you buy a spider?
Because is beautiful.

3. Why you are fighting?
Because he hit me.
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