
Páginas: 2 (466 palabras) Publicado: 11 de febrero de 2013
L- Good morning Dear!
M- How do you do this morning?
L- Very good! And you?
M- I’m doing great, want to know why?
L- Yea, tell me!
M- I asked for my vacations to take you on a trip
L- oh great,I’m going to wake up the girls to tell them the surprise

L- Gabi, Sandra, Wake up! Your dad and I have a surprise for you!
S- Really? What is it about?
L- Wake up first, take a shower and atbreakfast we’ll tell you!
G- Sure mom, I’ll go first!!

G- good morning Dad, mom told us you had a surprise for us, we’re desperate to know what it is, tell us please
M- that’s right girls, I knowyou have been doing pretty well in school and your mom here at the house business, so I decided to go on a trip to France, what do you think?
G- That’s great! I have curiosity to meet the Eiffel Towerand all the places where we can have fun!
L- And when do we leave dear?
M- Tomorrow at 7 we catch the airplane; in a little bit I’ll go buy the tickets!
L- Ok, then we must start packing ourbaggage

M- Good morning
A-good morning, what’s your name?
M- oh I’m sorry, my name’s Manuel and yours?
A-Mine is Alfonso
M- Could you tell me how much are tickets to France?
A-sure, they are 2500M-perfect, can I have 4 please? Do you accept credit card?
A-yeah! Here, your plane takes off tomorrow at 7 A.M. have a great trip!
M- very good, thanks!

L- Sandra, do you have your baggage ready?S-yeah mom, I’m helping Gabi make hers!
L- Ok hurry up then so you can go to sleep because we have to wake up early tomorrow!
G- Its ok mom, I want to be over there already, goodnight!
L- goodnight

M- wake up dear because we’ll be late
L- oh yeah, I’ll go wake up the girls
M- I’ll be taking out our baggage
L-girls wake up, we’ll be late, take a shower, your dad is waiting for us
S-okmom we’ll be ready in a little
G- mom we have everything ready, don’t leave without us
M- hurry up we take the plane at 7

A-welcome to France, where are you from?
S- we’re from Mexico
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