
Páginas: 6 (1441 palabras) Publicado: 1 de junio de 2012
Animales: Águila Real |
| Ficha rápida |
Donde vive | Norteamérica, Europa y Asia. |
Alimentación | carnívoro |
Costumbres | . It is a sedentary bird of prey, and only young people make erratic movements |
Características | 30 Years live in freedom. Its body length of between 80 cm and 1 m; its wings between 1.8 and 2.5 meters in length. Weighs between 3 and 7 kg. |
Thispowerful bird of prey is the largest North American bird and a national of Mexico. These birds are dark brown, with a few feathers slightly Golden in his head and neck. They are extremely quick and can reach speeds of 240 km/h. in fall The Eagles used their speed and their sharp heels quickly grabbing rabbits, marmots and Chipmunks. They also eat carrion, reptiles, birds, fish, and large insects.Cases in which this eagle to come to attack an adult deer. The ranchers once, were devoted to kill these Eagles by lost his farm animals. But studies have shown that the impact of the Eagles in farm animals are minimal. For this reason, the Eagle is currently under protection. Each pair of Eagles controls a territory of about 150 square km. They nest in high areas, even on mountain tops. Createnests very resistant and large, that have to endure several years of offspring. Females lay between one and four eggs, which are incubated by both individuals about 40-45 days. They tend to survive one or two pups, who manage the feathers in three months. Some of these Eagles migrate, depending on the geographical location where they are. Eagles of Canada and Alaska usually fly to the South inautumn |

Águila Real |
| Ficha rápida |
Donde vive | Norteamérica, Europa y Asia. |
Alimentación | Carnívoro |
Costumbres | Es un ave rapaz sedentaria, y sólo los jóvenes realizan movimientos erráticos. |
Características | Vive 30 años en libertad. Su cuerpo mide entre 80 cm. y 1m; sus alas entre 1,8 y 2,5 metros de longitud. Pesa entre 3 y 7 kg. |
Esta poderosa ave rapazes el pájaro más grande de Norteamérica y el nacional de Méjico. Estos pájaros son marrón oscuro, con unas plumas ligeramente doradas en su cabeza y cuello. Son tremendamente rápidas y pueden llegar a alcanzar en caída velocidades de 240 km/h.Las águilas reales usan su velocidad y sus afilados talones para agarrar rápidamente conejos, marmotas y ardillas. También comen carroña, reptiles, pájaros,pescado, e insectos grandes. Se conocen casos en que este águila a llegado a atacar a un ciervo adulto. Los rancheros un vez, se dedicaron a matar a estas águilas por los animales de su granja perdidos. Pero estudios han demostrado que el impacto de los águilas en los animales de granja son mínimos. Por eso, el águila se encuentra actualmente bajo protección.Cada pareja de águilas controla unterritorio de unos 150 km cuadrados. Anidan en zonas altas, incluso en cimas de montaña. Crean nidos muy resistentes y grandes, que deben soportar varios años de crías. Las hembras ponen entre uno y cuatro huevos, que son incubados por ambos individuos unos 40-45 días. Suelen sobrevivir una o dos crías, que consiguen las plumas en tres meses. Algunas de estas águilas emigran, dependiendo del lugargeográfico donde se encuentren. Las águilas de Canadá y las de Alaska normalmente vuelan hacia el sur en otoño. |

Of all aquatic animals that live in aquariums of zoos, safaris etc., which has undoubtedly better adapted to life in captivity is the dolphin. Strong and agile animal endowed with great intelligence, dolphins conquer the sympathy of viewers with their fantastic stunts and nice andplayful character. In the wild, dolphins are grouped forming herds, sometimes more than a hundred individuals, which accompany the large currents and were a source of fun for passengers of ships and cruisers with their jumps. The Dolphin has a form of swimming, jumping and sinking rhythmically in the water as if it cabalgara in the waves. This is due to that being mammal, you need to upload to the...
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