La Materia

Páginas: 7 (1524 palabras) Publicado: 9 de febrero de 2013





1) Los 10 hechos son:
1. Do (Conduct) (Research, experiment, please) do (Journey, Sacrifice, PROMISE) take (communion); ask (question)
Do you do what? -> What are you doing?
I have plenty to do-> I have a lot to do
I'm doing second -> I'm in my second year
What have I done with the keys? -> What did I do with the keys?
The road curves -> there is a bend in the road
2. Do (draw, create, cook)
Make a dress / planes -> to make a dress / plans
Make a poem / symphony -> to write a poem / symphony
Have a party -> to have a party
Make paragraph meat ... -> To cookmeat ...
3. Do (Get) (photocopy) for painting (portrait) to take (Photography)
4. do (fix) (house, laundry); Do (bed)
5. Building (Building)
Have done without building new -> to have a new building
6. Do (movements, sounds, gestures)
I beckoned -> I signaled her
Make noise -> make noise
does the cat "meow" -> cats go "meow"
7. do (practice) (in general), to play (tennis,football)
You play sports -> you should start doing some sport

8. (Cause)
Hurt someone -> hurt someone
I was amused -> I thought it was funny
9. (Change in)
MAKE A Merry Someone -> to make someone happy
The war made ​​him a man -> war did not (a) a man
He played pieces -> tore the paper into pieces
DO algorithms / Someone algorithm -> to do something / someone insomething
She made a good singer -> did a good singer its
10. Because of look or appear (give Aspect a)
This mirror makes you fat -> mirror that makes you look or look fat

1.1.1Conejos a 3 personas enfermas:
* I came to the doctor's office because he had Marmier back pain with menstruation. This time I came down the rule, and I have not have back pain.
* When I came to the doctor'sMarmier, had severe pain in his left foot due to a spur. I could not walk or support the foot well because it hurt and had to wear padded shoes. It was impossible to bring slippers.
After only two adjustments, I can support the foot well and it does not hurt the spur.
* I love to play sports and when I came to see Dr. Marmier I could not play golf or ball because he suffered from sciatic pain inthe leg strong.

1.1.2: Conejos de 3 personas deprimidas:
• Suffering must be taken seriously: if you trust someone close to you, not telling her suffering banalices phrases like "it'll pass, it's just a difficult hurdle." If you feel misunderstood, have a greater tendency to be isolated, to feel disoriented and think that no one can help you, or a doctor.
• encourage him to follow-up care:can show useful advising or helping to find a specialist. If it is difficult to take the first step, you can propose to accompany him on the first session.
• Learn not to judge: Be aware that it is impossible to reason with a depressed person, since this disease affects the control of emotions. It is also imperative to learn not to judge or blame, although at first glance do not understand thereasons for his illness: "you can not afford this type of behavior." Forget also all kinds of accusations, such as "there are people more miserable than you in the world." And of course, avoid the basic tips and moral lessons about what should be done to regain control of his life.
1.1.3: consejos a 3 compañeros:

»Form a study group. When talking to others about what you are studying, whenhelping each other and examine each other-they get better grades. Meet regularly with your group and make a schedule and follow it. Study first, fun later. When studying peer group scores improve, meet new people, develop discipline, and you can even have fun!
»Put on a specific and reasonable goals of study. For example, you can say "I'll read 10 pages of the history book tonight," instead of...
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