La xfhdfhfb

Páginas: 3 (542 palabras) Publicado: 7 de septiembre de 2010

The city was created during the colonization of Antioquia. In 1869 he changed the name of the town of Pereira in honor of Dr. José Francisco Pereira, hero of the region in timeof the liberation campaign of Simón Bolívar. In the fifties, a time of political violence in Colombia, Pereira was a place of refuge, considerably increasing its population.
Being separated from thedepartment of Caldas, the modern city was established in 1966.
In recent years, the city has an urban identity, cultural, social and educational achieving sustained growth in all aspects.
As partof the coffee its economy is built largely on this product. As the industry there are various garment factories, footwear and food products.

TYPICAL FOOD: As part of the coffee, cuisine revolvesaround customs paisas. As the beans with pork claw served with meat, rice, plantains, avocado, egg, sausage, pork rinds and mature banana.
Maize porridge with brown sugar or cheese aguapanela aretypical drinks, corn arepas with cheese, pancakes with sour cream, the Solteritas, wafers with cream milk, strawberry and Guanábana fluffy and figs with cheese. The traditional local drink is rum.TOURIST SITES: It has natural beauties that are just beginning to be exploited for tourism. It offers many tourism opportunities in both the farm and in ecotourism.

* Matecaña Zoo.
* Springs ofSanta Rosa de Cabal.
* Noah Ecoparque Farm.
* Marseille Botanical Garden
* Parque Nacional los Nevados.
* Otún Laguna.
* Lucy Tejada Cultural Center.
* Egoyan Linear Park.
*Victoria City Civic Plaza.
* Plaza de Bolivar.
* The Viaduct César Gaviria Trujillo.


La ciudad fue creada durante la colonización antioqueña.. En 1869 del cambiaronel nombre a Villa de Pereira en honor al Doctor José Francisco Pereira; prócer de la región en tiempo de la campaña libertadora de Simón Bolívar. En los años cincuenta, tiempo de la violencia...
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