Lanzarote Y El Orgullozo

Páginas: 4 (792 palabras) Publicado: 20 de febrero de 2013

Structure: we can divide it in 3 parts: -Intro(presentation of characters)
* keyfact(queen tells Lanzarote what haooened) c limax(fight)
* resolution(one knightis dead) end (one goes to the lady)
Tone: is generally cheerful and bright, exept when they get closer to the fight
Rhyme: 34 octosillabic lines, with assonant alternat rhymes (palabrasllanas)
Follows the typical romance’s rule
* Formulas: we can clearly identify some classical romance’s.
* to introduct someone’s words; catch listener’s attention and createsuspance
* make the listener imagine the location in the story

* Sounds repetition - Anaphoras: help trobadour’s memory and people to understand, melody

* Amiga:Secret for adultery. Not that secret ‘’se lo acostaba con sigo’’ (not such a friendly behavior), FRENCH TRADITION. most people knows, perhaps including the king
* Orgulloso: we don’t know exactly whohe is. We just have some relations in ‘Lanzarote du lac’. Gets listener curious by imagine who he might be (this or that character in camelot’s world).
* Duena Quitanona: it seems it’s blaimingher. One of the most reasons of the fall of Camelot was this love. Could it be that the author is trying to make her the one to blame

* First appearance in books in theCancionero de 1550. It could be dated in 14th century.
* This romance probably comes from the chivalry novel of Lanzarote del Lago, as well as the romance of ‘Lanzarote y el ciervo’. This novel is atranslation of the French Lancelot du Lac, from Chrètien de Troyes.
* Lancelot appeared as a main character for the first time is in Chrétien de Troyes ‘Le Chevalier de la Charette’ or ‘Lancelotdu Lac’, which was written in the 12th century and became in the 13th century the main focus in the Vulgate Cycle.
* This episode tells us about a fight between Lanzarote and the ‘caballero...
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