Listening And Speakin Excersices

Páginas: 8 (1867 palabras) Publicado: 18 de julio de 2012
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Instruction: develop the exercise listening two: Michael Ignatieff’s views on war (pages 177 – 178).
STRATEGY: before listening, read the sentences on pages 177- 178, unit 8 of the textbook. Listen to Three excerpts from the interview as many times as you need until you get a good understanding of the information to be ableto develop the activity asked.
Listen to your more excerpts from the interview. As you listen, mark T (TRUE) or F (FALSE) next to each statement. Then compare your answers with those of another student.

Part one
Michael Ignatieff______________.
* 1.- protested against the Vietnam War during the 1960s
_______ 2. - was drafted into the Vietnam War
_______ 3. - changed hisviews on war after witnessing the Red Cross in

Part two
In Red Cross’s approach, Ignatieff discovered that war_________.
______ 4. - is necessary to human culture.
______ 5. - is a never good way to solve conflicts.
* 6. - can sometimes free oppressed people.

Part three
The rules that The Red Cross enforces are that armies must not_______._____ 7. - Capture prisoners ______ 9. - kill anyone
_____ 8. - shoot at civilians ______ 10.-torture prisoners

INSTRUCTIONS: read about the international committee of The Red Cross on page 170. Then answer the following question about the text.
STRATEGY: read the text aloud and try to get a good understanding of the information to be able todevelop the activity asked.

1. - Is the ICRC a Swiss agency?
No, it’s not, this has not ties Switzerland.

2.-What are some of the ICRC’s peace time activities?
Our deal best know activities are get blood from donates, sponsored swimming programs.

3. - Why are the ICRC’s wartime activities controversial?
They help the wounded and sick on both sides of an armed conflict.

4.-Inwhat circumstances do other humanitarian agencies not maintain neutrality?
These humanitarian agencies not maintain neutrality when peoples’ human rights are violated.

5.-When was the Geneva convention formed?


INSTRUCTION: develop the activity 2 of focus on speaking on page 159.write N (noun) or a V (verb) after the underline word.
STRATEGY: try tounderstand and distinct in meaning and function the new vocabulary from the unit 7.

2. - work with a partner. Take turns reading. Mark the stress (´), and write N (noun) or a V (verb) after the underline word. Then listen to the sentences to check your answers.

1. - the ACLU director was shocked by the increase (S) in monitoring and was afraid that Willy –nilly surveillance would continued toincrease (V).

2.-we decide to condúct (V) a comprehensive survey to measure employee cónduct (S).

3.-the óbject (S) of my presentation is simply to objéct (V )to the use of secret surveillance.

4.-the boss suspécts (V ) that she is the only súspect (S ) in the case involving the stolen computer files.

5.-she got a special permit (S ) that would permit (V )her to seeconfidential employee information.

6.-we all had to keep a special récord (S ) in order to recórd (V ) all personal phone calls.

7.-why do you always insúlts (V) me with all those ínsults (S)? Just tell me how to fix the mistakes.

8.-we’re pleased with you prógress (S) in the job so far, but you’ll have to progréss (V) even further before getting promoted.

9.-as hard as I tried tosettle the cónflict (S) with my boss, our opinions continued to conflíct (V) over certain key issues.

10.- the company projécts (V ) big profits from these prójects ( S ).


INSTRUCTION: develop the exercise listening for main ideas on page 198.
STRATEGY: listen to the main ideas in an extended news report and interview about the relationship between music and math....
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