Low Carb Intelligence Vs. Low Carb Stupidity

Páginas: 6 (1281 palabras) Publicado: 20 de junio de 2012
Low Carb Intelligence Vs. Low Carb Stupidity

Remember that movie with Jim Carey, Dumb and Dumber? And remember the sequel to that movie, Dumb and Dumberer? Well, the low carb mania that is sweeping the globe today has reached a level beyond dumberer& Its more like dumberererer (try to say that five times real fast)

There is an epidemic of low carb stupidity running rampant among millionsof people throughout the world today and fast food restaurants, food product manufacturers, supplement companies, and weight loss programs are capitalizing on it in a big way in 2004!

The low carb diet is not inherently stupid, however. It can be quite beneficial within certain parameters and under the right circumstances. The problem is that many practitioners are uninformed, misinformed, orsimply lack the common sense and intuitive bodily wisdom to utilize the low carb approach intelligently.

Many low-carbers don't even know why they are on a low carb diet, theyre just following the followers. Not intelligent. Doing what everyone else is doing is always one of the surest, straightest routes to arrive at mediocrity! If you want to be a success, your chances are far greater if youlook at what the masses are doing and do the exact opposite!

Fortunately, there is such a thing as low carb intelligence. Hopefully, by reading my brief rant this month, you will increase your carb IQ, and soon join the ranks of the extraordinarily fit, lean and healthy carbo geniuses!

Low carb stupidity #1

Selecting your beer or liquor carefully to make sure you have the brand with thefewest grams of carbs.

Low carb intelligence

Avoiding alcohol if youre trying to lose body fat. Drinking only in moderation if youre trying to maintain your weight and be healthy.

Low carb stupidity #2

Believing any of the following: Low carbs diets are the only way to lose fat, low carb diets are the best way to lose fat, no one should ever eat a high carb diet, high carbs always makeyou fat, starches and grains make everyone sick and unhealthy.

Low carb intelligence

Adjusting your approach according to your health status, your goals and your body type, not according to generalizations preached by dogmatic diet gurus.

Low carb stupidity #3

Going on the Atkins diet (or any other very low carb/ketogenic diet) with absolutely no idea why youre doing it or how the dietworks (going on it because everybody is doing it and because you see it advertised everywhere.)

Low carb intelligence

Studying the physiology and biochemistry of the low carb diet and completely understanding all the pros and cons. Then making an informed decision whether to restrict carbs based on your own personal goals, needs and heath status.

Low carb stupidity #4

Thinking thatvery low carb (ketogenic) dieting is a maintainable lifestyle.

Low carb intelligence

Understanding that reasonable (moderate) restriction of carbs can be a helpful short term strategy for fat loss, a good way to reach a peak, a legitimate method to control appetite, and an effective way for some people to control insulin. But also understanding that a balanced diet of natural foods is probablythe most suitable of all the diets for health, lifelong maintenance and weight control.

Low carb stupidity #5

Believing calories dont count if you just cut out your carbs (or not counting calories because its too much work.)

Low carb intelligence

Knowing that fat loss always did and always will boil down to calories in vs. calories out. Taking the time and effort to crunch your numbers(at least once), typing up your menu on a spreadsheet, keeping a diary, and/or using nutrition tracking software.

Low carb stupidity #6

Staying on a low carb diet that has stopped working (or never worked in the first place).

Low carb intelligence

Adjusting your diet according to your results; understanding that a common definition of insanity (and/or stupidity) is to continue to...
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