Mas Alla Del Cielo

Páginas: 4 (970 palabras) Publicado: 11 de noviembre de 2012
INGLES III 1 Which of the following statements expreses the main idea of the text? R - Stores are fine recreations. 2 Which of the following ideas is included in the text? R - Good readers live thewrite's work. The octopus is often cast as a villainous monster in adventure movies. It is said to hide in dark places, waiting for unsuspecting divers to pull them to their deaths. In reality, theoctopus is not a fearsome monster at all, rather it is an intelligent, timid and very interesting animal. The octopus is not nearly as aggressive as it's close reality, the ten—armed squid. One octopuswill indeed attack, and even sometimes cat another octopus that enters it's Territory, but divers report that it will usually try to avoid contact with man. Interestingly enough, however, octopi incaptivity can become, very friendly with and will human company rather that avoid it. Octopi are sometimes playful and clever. A naughty laboratory specimen waited for the technicians to leave thelaboratory to make nightly trips to a nearby tank to eat fish. The technicians were mystifíed by the disappearance of the fish until they caught the octopus on one of its nightly raids. Far from being amonster to be feared, the octopus is another of the interesting members of nature. Squid ----- a marine mollusk with a long body and the arms are and the mounth. Maughtly—mischievous, playful, teasing.Mystified—bewllered, perplexed. 3 Which of the following ideas is incluyed in the text? R = Octopi are considered shy and smart animals. 4 The phrase " The octopus is not nearly as aggressive as it'srelative, the ten—armed squid" means: R - Octopi become aggressive when they are near squids. 5 Which of the following statements summarizes the article? R = Octopi are not as perilous or as peoplethink. 6 Please _____ talking to your sister. R = Promise. 7 Is will not to be many people at the meeting 8 Rachel carne home night yesterday. She's very tired. 9 The secretary should get the documents...
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